I have a promblem with renegade and it might have to do with the files. I don't know if some files are mssing or not supposed to be there so if I list them can somebody tell me what happend?
Okay, I go to My computer than to my C drive, into my westwood folder, and into my renegade folder here are the files in there: Data, HTML, Patches, _~DOWN_L~D, 00000409.016, 00000409.256, 54251___, ARI____, BandTest.dll, Binkw32, drvmgt.dll, Game, Luncher, Mp3dec.asi, Mss32.dll, Mssa3d.m3d, Mssds3dh.m3d, Msseax2.m3d, Msseax.m3d, Mssfast.m3d, Notes, Patchget, PATCHW32.DLL, Readme, Readme, Register, renegade, Rengade.lcf, Scripts.dll, secdrv, Uninst, Uninst.loc, Uninst.wsu, Uninstll, Woldata.key, WWConfig
In my Data folder: XXXFC.tmp, awalys, awalys.dbs, C&C Canyon, C&C City, C&C Complex, C&C Field, C&C Hourglass, C&C Islands, C&C Mesa, C&C Under, C&C Volcano, C&C Walls, M00_Toturial, M01-M13, Skrimish00, Stylemgr, WWAudio
In Patches: No files
In HTML folder: Assets folder, Frame, NavBar, BadPage, Loading
In Assets folder: Bkgd_Loading, Bkgrnd, Bkgrnd_Navbar, Bounding_ouline, btn_ok0, btn_ok1, connection_error_title, loading, navback0, navback1, navcancal0, navcancal1, navrefresh0, navrefresh1
In thats it. I have tried reinstalling Renegade 3 times, When I put the disk in it goes to setup menu, like Play Game, explore CD, etc. I click it and nothing happens it just stays on my desktop. SO if anyone could help me it would be extremly helpful I really want to play Renegade again!