Need Map Idea/Help with John Wilson's teleportation script [message #-984114] |
Sat, 01 February 2003 06:03   |
The script itself is easily used, even more so now it's been fixed. It's Dante who wrote the script and it was included in the scripts.dll. You might be able to figure it out by simply attaching it to a script zone, the parameters are pretty self explaining. There is a short description of how to use them in the readme2.txt included in the zip from JW's site at sourceforge. I made an test map for the script that you can look out if it might help, dante had the mod folder with the fixed version in, not sure if he still has it but i can always find a copy of it if he hasn't got it uploaded still.
Need Map Idea/Help with John Wilson's teleportation script [message #-984107] |
Sat, 01 February 2003 13:03   |
ok, basics...
make sure you have the custom scripts.dll and the WS scripts2.dll in your mod folder...
open your map.
create a zone, attach TDA_Teleport_Zone to it now you can do ONE of the following, not both.
1. enter in an X,Y,Z coordinate of where you would like the unit to teleport to (best guessed by placing a unit there, get the position, delete the unit in level editor.)
2. creat a dave's arrow (objects->Simple->Daves Arrows) and place it where you want the unit to teleport TO from the zone, then get the ID number of that arrow, and open up the Teleport ZOne you made earlier, and put that in the ObjectID in the parameter for TDA_Teleport_Zone, if the object does not exist, you will be teleported to 0,0,0 so be careful, and make sure you put a CORRECT number there..
that is all, not real complex.