Mission 5: Deadly Reunion [message #-980021] |
Fri, 01 March 2002 11:13  |
I need some help its takning forever to get to Deadeye, is there a quicker way? I'm on my eighth try and he keeps getting overrun by mutants.
Mission 5: Deadly Reunion [message #-980020] |
Fri, 01 March 2002 11:23   |
I dunno. But if after you gget him, follow him, it's the easiest way to the cathedral you have to get to and defend. And the level after that, oh wait maybe I shouldn't spoil the AWSOME ending cutscene.
Mission 5: Deadly Reunion [message #-980017] |
Sat, 02 March 2002 09:12   |
o ya i had same problem.. go back a lil bit to were theres a big mansion on the right hand side with grass around it.. go inside and make yur way up stairs..there u`ll find Patch and then carry on as normal no timelimit on deadeye`s rescue
Mission 5: Deadly Reunion [message #-980015] |
Tue, 05 March 2002 23:02   |
I'm on the same mission, Soldier difficulty, and I've rescued Deadeye, but he keeps getting fried or crushed by the flametank! I can't shoot baack, much, becasue ui'll flame Deadeye as well as the flametank, what do i do?
Mission 5: Deadly Reunion [message #-980014] |
Tue, 05 March 2002 23:09  |
FIRST OF ALL TO KEEP HIM FROM GETTING OVERRUN he gets overrun once you go too far up that alley(the one where he says "i'm being overrun" so, don't go up that alley until you have found him and he will survive once you get to the house with him in it, destroy the apc outside the door go meet him and he will run off let him get ahead of you then once he is out of sight, then you can go to the cathedral and he should stay safe as for the flame tank, destroy it before you get anywhere near rescuing him