Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979448] |
Wed, 06 March 2002 06:24  |
Hi! I'm at the Mission 8: "Evolution of evil - Escape Prison". At the latter part I meet a HUGE giant, who keeps running at me and wants to crush me with his bare hand, which he always succeds doing within 1 minute.... When I succeed to hurt him (down to yellow bars) he jumps up at the podium in the middle and heals himself. How do I kill the giant or how shall I solve the situation?
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979444] |
Sat, 09 March 2002 04:12   |
get your personal ION cannon ready, then approach to the cutscene. After the cutscene you see him standin in front of you, motionless for 2-3 seconds. Perfect time to shoot him in the head. After the first headshot he was already red when i did it. Then run backwards and hit him a few times.
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979443] |
Sat, 09 March 2002 04:30   |
when the cut scene finish the game make me appear facing the wall hehe ravenshaw got me and killed me the first second but after some ion cannon shoot he have 0 health and still running around !! i shooted 18 ion cannon shoot and he run ....
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979442] |
Tue, 12 March 2002 05:42   |
HE still runs and fights with a sliver of health left. You can kill him though just chain gun or flame him in the head or use the ion cannon to the head and he will die. It takes a lot of firepower to finally kill him just keep nailing him in the head till he is on the ground.
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979439] |
Wed, 06 March 2002 07:55  |
Read some of the older messages in this section, but to reiterate, you don't get the beacon until you have destroyed all the buildings, power plant, comm. center, etc. Then it's airlifted there for you. There's a lot to do first!
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979432] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 04:15  |
What I did was kill all her Black Hand escorts first, before I tried to engage her. To do that, jump around a lot, take cover in the rooms near her and also around the ramps (go down, etc. -- usually you'll only have a few following you at a time instead of the whole bunch). Once you get rid of the other enemies in the room, the Volt Auto Rifle works very well on Petrova. It keeps her stunned (except when you reload), so she hardly does damage to you. You can find the Volt Auto Rifle in the previous level inside the alien UFO. If you missed that, go explore this level some more... there are a lot of them in the sleeping quarters or whatever they are (the series of rooms with beds, Nod posters, bookshelves, etc.).
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979431] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 09:41  |
This is what I did.... Make sure you have full ammo for either the laser chain gun or volt rifle (best weapons against her IMHO). When I got to the top platform and I could see Petrova across the platform from the other side, I fired a shot at her which started the cutscene. Don't walk up to her because after the cutscene you only have like 2 secs to get away and usually you die because of the ammo of firepower thats fired at you at close range. As I said stand at the top of the platform across from where she is, then fire one shot at her... the cutscene will cue in and then after the cutscene run or jump from platform to platform all the way down to the bottom of the platform. Hide under the stairs at the bottom and wait for her. Or you can run into the tunnel and she won't follow you into the tunnel. Usually she will be the only one to follow you. Once you see her unleash all the ammo from either the laser chain gun or volt rifle. I used the laser chain gun... and I just unloaded clip after clip on her until she died. And I was lucky because after one clip was done, she was still stunned so i had time to reload without her firing at me... and before i knew it, she was dead. I think I used about 300 rounds from the laser chain gun to kill her, but don't quote me on that.
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979429] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 19:22  |
I actually came at an angle and killed the templars, acolytes, visceroids ect.... (can't kill the stealth guys 'cause they don't spawn untill after the cutscene) while they were still in their cells. from there it was a matter of killing the black hand guys and then hitting petrova with the volt action rifle. My new problem is getting sydney to not kill herself.... [ March 08, 2002: Message edited by: phr3akly ]
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979428] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 20:18  |
quote: Originally posted by phr3akly: I actually came at an angle and killed the templars, acolytes, visceroids ect.... (can't kill the stealth guys 'cause they don't spawn untill after the cutscene) while they were still in their cells. from there it was a matter of killing the black hand guys and then hitting petrova with the volt action rifle.My new problem is getting sydney to not kill herself.... [ March 08, 2002: Message edited by: phr3akly ]
Lol u did the same as me! i used my volt rifle on all the guys tho!! cuz i now where there was supplys 4 that weapon![ March 08, 2002: Message edited by: CaLiFoRnIaN_HoTTiE ]
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979426] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 23:22  |
quote: Originally posted by Talon Karrde: I killed her easily, and in a few seconds. Use the Portable Ion Cannon. The first time I fought her I beat here. Every boss I fought against I used the Portable Ion Cannon. It takes care of them realy quickly.
U can't of used the ion cannon on mendoza it wasn't avaliable!!
Mission 8: Escape Prison ("The Giant problem") [message #-979424] |
Fri, 08 March 2002 02:29  |
Once you do kill Petorva, go down through the left red door, but go around so that sydney doesnt follow you. Then go through the red doors in the room below, killing everyone and anyone before you go up the missile silo WITH sydney. Then once you have found the control panel in the missile silo, and have killed all the stealth black hands on the way, go back and get sydney, go the right way, and have her follow you, this way, she doesn't die on the way up there, because she has a habit of running right up to the stealth black hands, hoping to blind them with her beauty. Unforutnatly that doesn't work..