When your having a big tank stand off at your base's entrance or a big tank battle in a large field with some good sniper hide-aways buy a Raveshaw(NOD) or Prototype Inf (GDI) and peak out behind a wall, shoot 1 round at a tank, hide behind wall until it reloads peak back out and shoot - repeat and refill as needed.. This is a good way to do major damage (and get 10pts per hit) without getting tangled up in your allie's tanks and worrying if they are going to repair you or not.. If you have not used them much Raveshaw can kill a hummer/buggy/artilery in about 3 shots and also its great for picking off trailing engys fixing the tanks in 1 good direct hit.. Andy they usually can take 2-3 direct hits from tank fire and live but watch out for snipers!
Anybody else use these guys much?