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Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979147] Sat, 09 March 2002 01:58 Go to next message
Ok i was on a server and i needed repairs!! so i went a changed my guy 2 a repair guy!!! so i left my stealth tank outside thinking nothing would happen!! well sum guy went a took my tank 4 a ride and would gimme it back!! so i told my team not 2 repair him and they din't hehe!!! but i reacon westwood should put a voting poll on servers! so if sum1 steals ya tank u can vote them off!!!
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979146] Sat, 09 March 2002 02:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Look up two posts... There is already a post about this...
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979145] Sat, 09 March 2002 09:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
So far I have only seen one tank stealer in the retail version of the game...the demo though, wow...every game is loaded with them! The last game I was in though I was nod. GDI comes in with an APC full of engies and they get out. I steal it, kill them and get out to repair. Guy jumps in, I'm like I stole that fair and square He gets out, says sorry and I get back in, happily drive to the other base and blow up the barracks
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979144] Sat, 09 March 2002 09:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by CaLiFoRnIaN_HoTTiE:
Ok i was on a server and i needed repairs!! so i went a changed my guy 2 a repair guy!!! so i left my stealth tank outside thinking nothing would happen!! well sum guy went a took my tank 4 a ride and would gimme it back!! so i told my team not 2 repair him and they din't hehe!!! but i reacon westwood should put a voting poll on servers! so if sum1 steals ya tank u can vote them off!!!

What? What? English, PLEASE.

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979143] Sat, 09 March 2002 15:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That would not be fair for people like me taht steals lots of enemy tanks as the other side vote me off.
One thing you should learn is that never jump out of the tank and repair it unless no one is around.
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979142] Sat, 09 March 2002 16:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i would just like to say that california rules the world

and in the words of the beach boys referring to females
"I wish they all could be california giiiiirrrrllllls."

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979141] Sun, 10 March 2002 17:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by aircraftkiller2001:
What? What? English, PLEASE.

Shut up you flamer and BTW no one cares about your personal life(i just turn 18 ).

[ March 10, 2002: Message edited by: CrazyHavoc ]

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979140] Sun, 10 March 2002 15:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Founder of YASA:

One thing you should learn is that never jump out of the tank and repair it unless no one is around.

yea i saw my teamate do this on his mammoth then i see 3 stealths headin for it and a flamer right behind him, i get in and kill the stealths and the flamer but i had moved to far and was in range of the obilisk so goodbye mammoth. Then the guy starts calling me a *ag and *ucker for stealing his tank. He said if there were enemy that was going to steal his tank i should have killed them and left his tank. hrm lets see an engineer against 3 stealths and a flame tank hrm....

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979139] Fri, 15 March 2002 04:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979138] Wed, 03 April 2002 20:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i hav most F***ed person in a game last night! Some W*nker called peter84a jumped in my tank wimme and wouldn't get out, so i wasted 15min trying to get said W*anker out of tank
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979137] Wed, 03 April 2002 22:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by tigerius2001:
i hav most F***ed person in a game last night! Some W*nker called peter84a jumped in my tank wimme and wouldn't get out, so i wasted 15min trying to get said W*anker out of tank

I know this guy. He's a really bad tank stealer

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979136] Wed, 03 April 2002 23:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah, I was playing the city map yesterday trying to organize an APC rush to take down GDI's power plant. Every d@mn time I bought an APC, some @ssburglar went and stole it and wasted it on trying to fight an incoming light tank! IDIOTS!
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979135] Thu, 04 April 2002 00:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Wiser68:
So far I have only seen one tank stealer in the retail version of the game...the demo though, wow...every game is loaded with them! The last game I was in though I was nod. GDI comes in with an APC full of engies and they get out. I steal it, kill them and get out to repair. Guy jumps in, I'm like I stole that fair and square He gets out, says sorry and I get back in, happily drive to the other base and blow up the barracks

Hmmm. I have never heard that happening before.
the demo though, wow...every game is loaded with them!

**Suprise** I was on of them! Actually, I still try to steal tanks only if the tank originally belonged to the [other] team.
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979134] Thu, 04 April 2002 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by tigerius2001:
i hav most F***ed person in a game last night! Some W*nker called peter84a jumped in my tank wimme and wouldn't get out, so i wasted 15min trying to get said W*anker out of tank

Try pressing Q on the keyboard as long as you have driving control. Q will put you back in targeting control. Most of the time the retard will get out and leave you to control your vehicle.

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979133] Thu, 04 April 2002 17:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Have you ever gotten out to repair a vehicle and then, when you get back in, have someoen swearing and cussing at you say "VEHICLE STELEAER! SETOLE MY VHELIDE! GIVE DIT BAKC NOW!!!O@#2." And then they chase you around for five minutes trying to get you out of the vehicle YOU bought 5 minutes ago, and now the PP is blown . So you can't even repair your vehicle cause this twerp is tailing you .
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979132] Thu, 04 April 2002 17:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Or those newbies who do not know that they did not actually buy a vehicle, who run up to yours and sit there spamming "Get out of the vehicle". They did not even pay attention/listen for the "keep em comin" sounds made when you buy a vehicle... What morons...
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979131] Thu, 04 April 2002 07:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Heh, this one time I bought a medium tank in Under. The thing comes fresh out of the factory and this guy walks up to it,and tries to get in. Of course, the idiot doesn't seem to realize that the thing is freshly bought and won't let him in...meaning it belongs to someone else. So, I enter the medium tank, being the rightful owner and all, and the guy immediately steals my gunner seat. I tell him to "get out of the vehicle," in which he responds "WTF?!!?!!1111 THS IS MY TNK!!!111 GET OUT TANK STEALER!!!111" Of course, I start driving, flashing my usual n00b binds messages that explain just how vehicles work. The guy still thinks it's a tank he bought.

Long story short, I get ****ed off that the n00b is not shooting the cannon and just drive us both straight into the obelisk...when the tank blew up, he was immediately fried, while my score jumped about 300 points because of a quick bombing thank's to the guy's "distraction"...

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979130] Thu, 04 April 2002 09:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You'll get an ulcer complaining about every noob tactic and thought provoking thing you see them do. It's not unheard of that you buy a vehicle at the same moment someone else buys the vehicle..but you get yours and he doesn't. They OBVIOUSLY didn't see that their money didn't change from the they think YOU are stealing THEIR freshly bought vehicle...which just didn't happen. How about instead of treating noobs like idiot cattle, try letting them know what happened. Half the time they won't understand what the hell your saying to them..but there's the off chance a noob will figure it out...from your instruction...and be a better, more patient player for it. My 2 cents.

[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: [FSW]WhiteWolf ]

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979129] Thu, 04 April 2002 10:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what ww needs to add is like a security system for the tanks so that only the user who bought it can use it but still have a command so that it still can made so anyone can use it (eg. someone with heaps of money wants to give away tanks)

but this shouldnt count for enemys they should still be able to steal units from thier enemys.

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979128] Thu, 04 April 2002 10:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Someone took my tank the other day, so I got into a lighter tank than the one he took and pushed him into the Ob of Light. But I still wasn’t done yet. He bought another big tank. I tried to push him into the Ob of Light again, but he was slippery enough to get away. So I pushed him into a wall and held him there. He was all swearing and stuff. I just kept repeating, “You shouldn’t have taken my tank!” I don’t understand why he wouldn’t quit the game and join a new server, because I played him in 5 more games. Five more games of pushing him around, pushing him away from battle so he couldn’t get points. I never let up…. Ever!

Yesterday, heheheh, I saw him again. He was surprised when I started pushing him into the GDI base and the AGT took him out. He was yelling, WTF! And all I said was, “You shouldn’t have taken my tank”. You see, I remembered his name and I’ll never forget it and if I ever see him in a game ever again, I’ll do the same thing again and again and again! Because that’s just the way it’s going to be. You wanna steal tanks, you think that’s funny. Then prepare to be pushed around… A LOT!

Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979127] Thu, 04 April 2002 11:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
As more people buy Renegade stealing will increase, maybe WW will patch up a solution, shouldn't be hard, no one can steal my weapons, even the ones I pick up.
To PO a aim stealer, one thing I did last night was to drive tank back into the base way to the back where there is no action at all, park and go get a bite to eat or p, I came back and the guys still in my tank shooting at our people no harm done, but stuborn, so I turned down the volume and let him play in the immobile tank til he finally got out and soon after left the game all togeather.
When the war factory gets destroyed ppl think they can steal or jump into anything that moves, not while I'm around!
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979126] Thu, 04 April 2002 13:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The only time i'll steal is if the vehicle is in danger of falling into enemy hands. How many times do you have to see a freindly tank start shooting up your own base. I don't mind if it is a case of stealing to protect, but the people that steal a vehicle because they just want it are a problem. Stealing from the enemy is an act of war and should be done whenever possible. Stealing from your own team is an act of treason and should be punishable by torture until death. A very slow painfull death
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979125] Thu, 04 April 2002 14:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes, agreed. you know what would be real cool, is if there was a patch that would put a theif in a GDI or NOD prison upon their next death, lock them up for say 2-3 mins that would be a good solution and also funny.
And that goes for planting C4 on teammates, they end up spawning in a GDI cell. ha
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979124] Thu, 04 April 2002 14:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
flashing my usual n00b binds messages

I'm hoping against hope that this means that you have found a way to bind messages to hotkeys. I soooo want this to gbe a part of renegade...please tell me there is a way to do it.
As for the stealin' thang. I remember in my first few games in demo, thinking I'd bought a tank, when I really hadn't, and getting my hackles up when I saw someone get into a tank I'd thought I'd just bought. But, thankfully, someone very nicely suggested that I check my credits. Indeed, I had not bought the vehicle. I still think of the nice person who took the time to explain my error rather than flame me. Due to this patience extended to me, I try to do the same. Of course, if the pay no attention....well, anything goes.
If you steal a tank to avoid it's destruction, or see one sitting around for a long time without an owner, I find it's a good idea to broadcast the fact that you've just taken the tank. If no one speaks up, it's yours. If it belongs to someone, they can safely come and claim it.
Civilized behavior usually gives the best results. Except toward the enemy. Kick the crap out of them
Tank stealers!!!!! [message #-979123] Thu, 04 April 2002 15:13 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Oops...****, I keep playing games where I DO know how to bind messages, whenever I come upon a game where I can't, I just forget! Sorry to get your hopes up. Alas, I have been trying to work a pathetic bind out of the Renegade code, but nothing I have tried appears to be accepted by the games configuration. Oh well, I'l get it some day.
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