Single Player modus.I have 2 find the 3 scientists, Mobius, and that girl-mubius (forgot her name) I've done that, i had to leed her to an helicopter, and completed the level. Then, she wants to go with me, in a special mobius-suit or something, and we're captured, by a lot of men in stealth suits, and a couple of stealth tanks. I've escaped, and i'm on a open terrain, where tons of helicopters arrive with men of NOD. I just walked, and walked, and ren into a building. I'm now in there, and need to "disable Station Beta" in the Recearch Facility or something. I'm now standing on a bridge, and away from target in 120 meters.. I can walk into something, with an elevator, I go up, and am again in de beginning.. Can someone please help me how to get to my target?
Ps. My English isn't very good.. I'm just 15 years old and Dutch