A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976528] |
Mon, 01 April 2002 08:33  |
I've noticed that in 4out of 5 games nod has been the winner. This was based on totally random servers. No clan matches. All saturday i played and out of the 40 games i played the score was 30 to 10. I've always enjoyed playing as GDI but i've noticed that Nod is better. They have flame rushes{very cheap for just 800 a flame tank as opposed to mammoth rush that doesnt work so hot for 1500} and of course the stealth nuke beacon combo, Many people say that it can be counterd and that is true but it is very hard on maps such as islands where money is coming in every few seconds and many people can place beacons. Remember this based on random games not clan matches where people know what they are doing. Let me know what you think is gdi's true saving grace that makes them truley even or possible better than nod.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976525] |
Mon, 01 April 2002 09:55   |
Well I can sorta see what you meen by all of this. GDI players have a thought process problem. They seem to think that Flame tank rush will kill them all. they think that if they gots 5 mammies parked ouside the base, they cant win if they attack. GDI thinks that the mammie is the ultimant unit in the game and its sooo precious they cant get a scratch on em. If GDI was SMART they would realize, "hey the mammie is the slower more armored equivilent of the flame tank" but they dont. GDI can win if they do what Nod players do when they decide to Flame rush. GDI must work together in order to win. And to counter the Stealthhand with nuke hotwires gotta place mines all over the place. Not every1 can get in tanks you know. thats why you need a balanced force of units.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976523] |
Mon, 01 April 2002 10:44   |
quote: Originally posted by Nuke-um: Well I can sorta see what you meen by all of this. GDI players have a thought process problem. They seem to think that Flame tank rush will kill them all. they think that if they gots 5 mammies parked ouside the base, they cant win if they attack. GDI thinks that the mammie is the ultimant unit in the game and its sooo precious they cant get a scratch on em. If GDI was SMART they would realize, "hey the mammie is the slower more armored equivilent of the flame tank" but they dont. GDI can win if they do what Nod players do when they decide to Flame rush. GDI must work together in order to win.And to counter the Stealthhand with nuke hotwires gotta place mines all over the place. Not every1 can get in tanks you know. thats why you need a balanced force of units.
Five mammoth tanks rushing would work very well but like you say people always park the mammoth in the front of the base, otherwise one go's out by itself. about your mining tactic that would stop an engi rush but people place nuke beacons outside of buildings. you only get 30 mines to place and it would take all 30 just to mine the outside of the barracks. thus leaving all of your other buildings open to engi and stealth nuke attack.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976522] |
Mon, 01 April 2002 10:48   |
Sometimes I like the Mammy camp because it can rack up a lot more points than a rush. I love getting 6000 points on the Field Map by camping and pounding the Hand of Nod (while they've got several Techs repairing it). This is a great way to rack up points for the team, and for yourself. It can be a little boring, and I guess it's sort of selfish, but it can be fun also. And, in my experience, NOD has never overcome a good Mammy camp, so there's usualy no fear of losing the game.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976521] |
Mon, 01 April 2002 11:00   |
Mammy camps are very hard{if not the hardest} things to counter, the key here is if you can manage to drive that many mammohts and engie's right up to an enemy base the nod team just downright sucks. But think about it, a flame rush is a lot more effective and devastating than a mammoth camp. I like the idea of a mammoth camp becuse while it is still effective it is still somewhat easilly counterd if you work with a partner. two raveshaw taking the tunnels in the feild level and coming from teh rear to take out the engie's then the tanks is great. But how about this, a flame rush of 5 or 4 flame tanks can crush a guard tower in mere seconds leaving the base open to the ever popular nuke stealth soldier. People tell "its easy to counter a flame rush, just have lots of engie's and gunners" true, but it would take about 4 or 5 engies to keep the quard tower up long enough for the gunners to take out all the flame tanks, in a basic game do you think you can get convince 5 people to heal the tower and convince another 4 to fight of the flame tanks, i havent simply becuase people dont tend to listen in this game. and one last thing, if all the engie's and gunners work together to make this plan work flame tanks can alwayst drive straight to the power plant and destroy it before the gunners and engie's can follow.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976520] |
Mon, 01 April 2002 11:02   |
Morbious (sp?) is a flame tank killer. I played one game where I killed several flame tanks with Morbious. The volt gun is really good agenist infantry and vehicles up close. I also think GDI has an unfair advantage inside the map islands since they can have MRLS's hit the hand of nod inside their own base. I think they also need a defense version of Islands. I love the map so much and thing a defense version could benefit from it. Right now, the obelisk is worse then the AGT, that's the only reason I find that nod is under GDI. It also has many bugs (the fact that sometimes it shoots at absolutely nothing (kinda rare), and a bug that it shoots friendly GDI tanks that nod has occupied (very very rare, only happened once), and the fact it's easier to survive with the vehicles. But other then that I find nod to be better.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976519] |
Mon, 01 April 2002 11:25   |
Your observation about the difficulty of coutnering the four to five flame tank rush is well taken. This is often very very true. If the enemy gets that many tanks together, if your team isn't highly organized, the game is over. But, I've countered several of these rushes before quite well, especially on Field. But, of course, you need several people to help. Having two MRL's out side of your base early on can effectively crippile and oncoming rush. With two MRL's it is usually possible to destroy at least two or three of the incoming flames....but I prefer to take each one down to about 1/2 health...that way when they round the corner, the agt has a very easy time eliminating them. The only way to counter a four/five FT rush without everyone in the AGT is to see it coming from afar, and deal it some good inital damage before it gets near your base. If the first you know of the flame rush is the telltale halo of fire coming around the corner into your base....get ready to play the next map.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976516] |
Tue, 02 April 2002 01:42   |
NOD has advantages in places where GDI doesn't and vice versa. I think it just has to do with who you're playing with. I was playing a 6 player game (3 on each) and I kept getting stuck with GDI, but I had some really good teammates playing by my side, I was MVP 4 times in a row and we kept kicking @ss... well until I was about to pass out from lack of sleep. GDI does have some good stuff - Mobius, Gunner?! I've taken out buildings with gunner needing only one refill. Heck, I've taken out buildings with the GDI grenadier and he's free!! Not saying I could get away with it every time, but they're are some clueless players out there. It just has to do with who's with you and who you're up against. I'm just sick of joining games and I end up on the team with all the n00bs! No one ever wants to stay on defense, which is why you eventually end up getting your @ss beat.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976515] |
Tue, 02 April 2002 02:04   |
and don't forget the strategic aspect of rushing. if you're being rushed it means your side ain't controlling the battlefield! and that means there's little if any teamwork on your side. on maps with base defense, think about controlling the map outside their base, not about cheap apc rushes, or doing backflips out of the tunnel to avoid being hit by the obelisk as you get behind the pp. teamwork is the key, and knowing the right priorities as a team puts it all together. it's easy when you think about it. a little D(for defense), and a lot of O(for offense) is all it takes. so like nike says, just DO it! lol..
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976514] |
Tue, 02 April 2002 03:35   |
Well Mammie camps arnt impossible to counter: heres a funny little story where i did all by my self It was on feild and I was a stealth black hand. I went the tunnel way cause its impossible to get out my front door. I look over at the mammies, theres about 2 or 3 mammies and a bunch of MRLS. But I noticed that one of the mammies didnt have an GDI icon on it and it was empty. Not to mention it has behind all of them. As you can guess, I stole it. And they didnt know what hit them, it was very gratifying for me. And the funniest thing was the engi who had it but got out to repair the ones in front, he was repairin me. HHAHAHA. And also later in that same game i stole another mammie. So it is very easy to counter the mammie camp, you just have to rely on a really stupid team.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976513] |
Tue, 02 April 2002 04:49   |
I find stealing the other guys cars funny i was an engineer once with my team of soldiers..........it wqas all goin well when we was outside our tunnel......then we started to move towards the NOD tunnels when we got ambushed. i hid behind a rock..........the GDI soldiers were winnin at first then some more troops came forward with a buggy (it was at the start of UNDER)and killed all of the GDI soldiers.............i was the only one alive and the buggy was damaged.......a engineer had happened to be inside....and he got out to repair it so i made my move for the buggy.got in flattened the ******* and killed all the NOD soldiers..........lol -------------------------------------------- EAT SOUP!
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976512] |
Tue, 02 April 2002 06:49   |
Renegade is like chess. (what did this stupid n00by say ? Renegade = chess ? Wh4t zE F00cQ did u sm00ke ? ) In chess, there is an attacker (white side) and a defender (black side). In renegade, *** when there is AGT/Obelisk *** first the attacker is nod because of the lower cost of units, ability to f-tank-rush, and therefore GDI is the defender. Later in the game, GDI become attacker with the ability of mammies siege. The difficulty for GDI, is live enough to such to become attacker. This means build a good def = teamwork ! The difficulty for GDI is that teamwork is absolutly necessary. Obviously, when there is no tower, this is harder But never say that GDI is less powerfull than Nod. That's false. GDI units are even stronger. GDI is just more difficult to play with no teamwork.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976510] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 09:01   |
ok the prob w gdi is that they are all fire power but that they dont have enough of an advantage in that area to really turn the tables on a nod attack or to get past the nod def easily unlike the f tank. gdi must put strangle hold on unemy base meaning that 1 nod stealth trooper w becon screws all of them. then the f tanks come in, yes the mammoht is good but it has 3 probs, turns too slow, not enough fire power for cost and, this is the big one with trying to kill f tanks and things across distances, accuracy. the turret shakes like it is made of paper when u shoot and the cannons place shells to the left and right of thinngs like light tanks so u cant hit them when they standin still let alone movin. nod also have the flame trooper and gdi that sucky g launcher w no range or splach damage, also nod can aford to attack the agt and get lost o points because their stuff is dirt cheap and almost as good as gdi's, the mammoth IS supossed to be the best but also most expensive weap but the flamer is almost and in alot of cases just as good if not beter than it for 700 less than mammoth, ww just refuses to fix this it seems and it makes me, a gdi man at heart angry.
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976509] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 09:08   |
alot of times what gdi has to do to prevent a f rush or stup one is so rediculous that it is almost imposssible. also the mammoth isnt good enough. yes teams can make the dif but in cases where teams are even nod does have a rather good advantage in the flame being so good, stealth plus becon and in the fact that the mammoth cost more than a coledge education and is a crappy and not so powerful shot. nod can flame rush alot but gdi mammoths are so expensive that u get about 1 shot at a mammoth rush which doesnt work so well, also mendosas are good agianst mammoths so u so slow they screw u before u in range of the super oblisc and 2! cannons
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976508] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 09:33   |
well both sides of the issue have good points. but time will tell as to whether the sides need to be tweaked. somehow i think there's enough b*tching by the "unbalanced team" for ww to make some adjustments. we'll see...
A Little Comparision about nod and gdi [message #-976507] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 09:38   |
Early in the game NOD has an advantage. After the first 5 Mamoths have come out though, NOD doesn't stand a chance on maps without an obilisk. If NOD flame rushes, then all GDI must do is block them with veicles from getting at the Guard Tower. This works better with APC rushes but still works with Flame rushes. GDI has a problem with no teamwork. NOD's Turrets and Obilisk prevent people from taking advantage of the fact that right next to the Obilisk it can't hit you. The Turrets still can hit you there. GDI needs teamwork to have people takeout the Turrets then help you kill the Obilisk.