Originally posted by Doctor Draino:
Problem with MRLs is that a Nod sniper could sneak outta anywhere and start chipping away at them. Heck, 2 - 5 shots and ..bye bye MRL, which means you should have them counter defended from hidden snipers. Same goes for Nod, I was Deadeye and took out 2 MAs playing under very easily just by hiding in a good spot, never saw it coming.[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: Doctor Draino ]
the point is that there is a counter for anything. no one thing will or should work all the time. thus, the best(or should i say the least crappiest) team wins! lol..
but i'll still wager anyone here a dollar that at some point, say less than 3 months, ww DOES indeed do some tweaking of the ft to make it slightly weaker. any takers??