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Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976399] Mon, 01 April 2002 23:19 Go to next message
We all know a tech and a hotwire alone and finish a building but they cost 350. BUT, do you know the the Chem-Warriors can do the same thing.... ANd they only cost 150.

Do this...., If you are in a map with no defenses, grab a chem warrior and infiltrate the GDI base and go to any structure that you do not see much people. And if most of them are grabbing some vehicles and rushing ur base, wait for some time so that when you are attacking their structure, no idiot will come and repair the structure. First put a Timed C4, and then start attacking at their MCT. Each magazine of the Chem-warrior gun contains 100 Ammo. 100 Ammo can take out 2 life bars of the structure. A timed C4, can take out half. So you need like 250 ammo of the chem warrior gun and ur timed c4 to take out a building of your own.

If the game is non-laddered, it makes things even better. use the extras character and get a character that has the same weapon as the chem-warrior. the one advantage u have now is that you can heal urself in tiberium.

You can combine your own strategies together with this and create new ones. Well, I have found different combinations but i shall leave it on your own to find out more.

This is one of my most prized tactics and I am sharing it since my friends asked me to. My success rate of this tactic is 90\%. And I always aim the power plant first.

I have even faced situations in which i kill 2 guys and with the remaining ammo and the timed c4, i finish off the building. very powerful tactic.

i have not found anyone else in the GDI except the hotwire who can finish their building on their own. One who costs very cheap anyway. Like when you use chem-warriors and you get killed or what, you won't get much of a heartpain compared to buying a 1000 unit and getting killed.

Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976398] Tue, 02 April 2002 01:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i was doubtful about this tactic...

then won a 36 player game in islands with it.

Cool tactic.


Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976397] Tue, 02 April 2002 01:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yes, the "kemmy" is very good against buildings, but he's also an excellent harvy killer. on city i like to get a kemmy, hide in the tunnels and wait for the gdi harvy to show up. when it does, you can toast them quick. this works really great when you have a partner helping you as it kills them so fast, it's hard for the gdi to respond in time..
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976396] Tue, 02 April 2002 01:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Im sorry but only a newb wouldn't know about the power of a chem. It's a good tactic except it takes a long time to kill the building a hot wire will usualy come in and start repairing b4 you are done.
However its great against newbs.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976395] Tue, 02 April 2002 03:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GDI grenade launcher (cost 0) can do the job too but it takes longer... So less success rate.

But it work well if there is a teammate with u (= 2 x c4)... Done it a lot of time...

Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976394] Tue, 02 April 2002 04:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Chem warriors are also great against tanks... (They are largely ingored by tanks too, so it is really easy to do a lot of damage)...
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976393] Tue, 02 April 2002 04:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i've been using this for a few weeks(ever since i discovered his awesome power against building on accident.) i especially love using this guy early because with the lack of vehicles no other unit can chase you through the tiberium feilds. on maps like volcano, hug the wall and travel under the bridge, 99\% of the time you'll get into the base completly unnoticed. you can also sit and take down buildings on some levels. on under (the accidental thing comes into play here) you can sit at the back enterance near the power plant and if no one repairs it you can take it out from inside the comfort of the tunnel. to be less noticable i found crouching while doing this makes you less noticable (not sure how though but it does.)
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976392] Tue, 02 April 2002 07:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah, kemmy is freakishly powerfully against everything! tanks, buildings, and even infantry! have you ever been shot at by a chem warrior, run away when your health gets low and end up dying from that cursed tiberium poisin! AAARRRGGHHHH!!!!! Have you also noticed that in the first person mode the hands of the chem warrior are black gloves while in third person view he is wearing green and somewhat black gloves! weird!! just thought i'd let you know.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976391] Tue, 02 April 2002 08:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've just started falling in Love with little Kemmy. He is so nice and cute, and boy do he take out them buildin's. He's my favorite of the moment, and he's a cheap date, too.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976390] Tue, 02 April 2002 08:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
does he come with barbie too? or is that optional?? lol...
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976389] Tue, 02 April 2002 08:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah...but she's Tiberium Barbie, really don't want to see her. I promise, it's not pretty.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976388] Tue, 02 April 2002 08:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Tested and approved !

Yeah great against building. This means u can destroy AGT only for 450 (buggy + chem) if u r very lucky and all GDI doing something useless

But something can be done more cleverly :

1- player "A" buy engy (0) and a buggy (300)
2- player "B" buy chem (150)
3- player A & B jump in the buggy
4- together they go to AGT (if the buggy were damaged in the travel, they can do a pause to repair it)
5- the attack : with an engy & a chem => this is definitivly possible. The attack occur very earlier (when cash is at 300 !)and can surprise all the people who stay to fight in the tunnels (on many maps the game start with people fighing in tunnels) !...

Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976387] Tue, 02 April 2002 09:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Most people under estimated flame thrower and chem warrior. They are so leathal in tunnels and against tanks. Their weapons will still do damage even after you got killed just like Mobius Mendoza and tiberium weapons. They are cheap and effective units.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976386] Wed, 03 April 2002 05:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I tell you. My nick in those games is markizan. This is just to let you know. I have many more tactics in my sleeve. go to to see one more of my tactic. Its called the kamikaze. And to let you all know about something, My TACTICS are really powerful. I mean i have some really powerful ones that I have not yet published. and yes, one more thing, Using flamers for attacking the building is not really powerful. I have tried it before, and the infantry flamer is no match for the chem sprayer. Take care anyway. e-mail me at for more tactics
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976385] Wed, 03 April 2002 05:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by n00by 0ne Ken00by:
Tested and approved !
But something can be done more cleverly :

1- player "A" buy engy (0) and a buggy (300)
2- player "B" buy chem (150)
3- player A & B jump in the buggy
4- together they go to AGT (if the buggy were damaged in the travel, they can do a pause to repair it)
5- the attack : with an engy & a chem => this is definitivly possible. The attack occur very earlier (when cash is at 300 !)and can surprise all the people who stay to fight in the tunnels (on many maps the game start with people fighing in tunnels) !...

Heres a better one that I use all the time.
1. Player A buy engie (0 cost)
2. Player B buys engie (0 cost)
3. Plauyer A buys APC (400 cost)

APC *will* make it past the oblisk/AGT as long as nothing slows you down while you are going in.

2 engies can take out any building in seconds with their remote C4.

1. Player A buy engie (free)
2. Player A buy APC (400), or ride with someone
3. Player A gets into enemy base, plants 2 remote C4, and timed.
4. Hang out until timed goes off, detonate remote at same time...POOF!
5. Use pistol and cap any hotwires that come to repair
6. Repeat.

I have destroyed entire bases by myself using this tactic

Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976384] Wed, 03 April 2002 05:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well man. But this thread is to glorify those sadly, misunderstood chem-warriors. They are after all humans too.

Well, but even if u use ur engy and attack the building cap the hotwires, sooner or later, you will get killed and the structure will become as good as new. so unless u want to get lots of kills i dun think anyone should use it to instant finish a building

Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976383] Tue, 02 April 2002 19:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LOL i know about using APC => i do that all the time...


- First APC is 500 not 400...
- Second point, this difference (500 vs 300) make this plan his own interest : this is speed, and attack occur very earlier in the game.
At 500 there are lot of hotwire roaming everywhere...
At 300 + travel to gdi base, may be there are some but not sure.
- Third point : two engys cannot defend themselves. A chem had a little chance to defend the engy against infantry and then attack efficiently the building too. (Notice this make the tread keep his chem subject ) The chem can also attack the incoming repairers.
- Fourth point if someone got 500 to buy an APC, why the others don't take tech and/or BH ? Just taking engy is stupid at this step of the game...
- Fifth point if u buy an APC why to go in GDI base with only two people ???
- Sixth point, i've seen someone taking out the AGT with buggy & 2 engy, but I think that Chem + engy is more efficient because they r complementary (see point 3).

Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976382] Tue, 02 April 2002 21:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oh yeah chemical dudes are my fav. If I'm playing GDI I'm at a loss till I can get a Hotwire.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976381] Tue, 02 April 2002 21:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Chem-warriors, Don't mess with them unless you are a chem warrior yourself.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976380] Tue, 02 April 2002 22:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by SADMAN:
I tell you. My nick in those games is markizan. This is just to let you know. I have many more tactics in my sleeve. go to cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=2&t=000590 to see one more of my tactic. Its called the kamikaze. And to let you all know about something, My TACTICS are really powerful. I mean i have some really powerful ones that I have not yet published. and yes, one more thing, Using flamers for attacking the building is not really powerful. I have tried it before, and the infantry flamer is no match for the chem sprayer. Take care anyway. e-mail me at for more tactics

LMAO! What a dork..

Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976379] Tue, 02 April 2002 23:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if a "kemmy" attacks another "kemmy" will they do any damage to each other?? cause u remember in ra2 two desolators cant hurt each other. (counting FF is on) do they do damage 2 each other??
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976378] Wed, 03 April 2002 06:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I do not think kemmy will do damage to another kemmy. like one gdi tiberium based enemy attacking the kemmy since they have all those protective stuff
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976377] Wed, 03 April 2002 07:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you can do damage to kemmy's, like in single player tho it does very little damage.
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976376] Wed, 03 April 2002 07:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
kemmys are good, but I love to waste them. For some reason it is so much more satisfying to look through your sniper rifle and see that huge orange sphere-BOINK
Do Not Underestimate the Humble Chem-warriors [message #-976375] Sat, 06 April 2002 05:51 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
another tactic - this one from the GDI side - 1 reg gdi soldier + 1 sydney, another player and I took out nod power plant and 4 noddies that came to investigate - niiiice
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