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Question about prox C4? [message #-975522] Mon, 08 April 2002 17:14 Go to next message
Does anyone know or notice that if you plant prox. C-4 at about head level - in walls or doors.

1. That it will kill better. (being a "head shot" and all)

2. It takes less mines to kill an enemy.

3. Harder for the enemy to see - thereby they run into.

I've noticed this happening when i am on BD - and it seems i have more mines left over when the enemy rusher runs in...

(seems very effective on the Obi/AGT - six mines stopped three rushers - which ran in every 2 seconds or so...)

this is something i think is happening -- but of course it could be the heat of battle muddling my thinking....

any thoughts?

Question about prox C4? [message #-975521] Mon, 08 April 2002 17:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You're right, they are more effective at head level.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975520] Mon, 08 April 2002 06:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Anyone know if you can avoid a head level door c4 by hugging the opposite side of the door way (i.e.-prox at head level on left side of door. Right side as no proxy....will hugging the right side still set off the left side c4 and do full or partial damage?)
Question about prox C4? [message #-975519] Mon, 08 April 2002 06:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have noticed this as well. It does do more damage.

At risk of sounding like a total n00b, does anyone know what the limit typically is for proxys, and does it change? (like a server setting, say)


Question about prox C4? [message #-975518] Mon, 08 April 2002 07:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You have 30 mines server setting -- and they last till they blow or ---

if you lay a 31st one - the first one you laid will go *poof*

(wish they would make a counter for Hotwire/Tech to show how many are out)

So - if your planting them -- yell out that your planting them --hopefully the team will know what that means....

And please dont use them for personal defense if your base is being attack and your at the other base... nothing sadder to see then that FT/Mamie walk in and your mines *poofing* b4 they hit them....


[ April 08, 2002: Message edited by: StoneRook ]

Question about prox C4? [message #-975517] Mon, 08 April 2002 09:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A mine counter would be a god send! i hate playing with people and i tell them"i'm planting mines, no one else place them or we will go over limit" yet on maps like walls, they place all the c4 at the base entrance or in the tunnels. its too easy for the mines to be deactivated in the tunnels and most stealth beacon soldiers or even techs can just hug the wall and slip right past the mines and head right to the unmined buildings. I say mine around the mct, use about 7 mines around it egual mines to both side depending on what the enemy aproches the mct at, believe me it works people run righ into the mines and hope they can run away fast enough to avoid the damage but they die anyway.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975516] Mon, 08 April 2002 09:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Whenever I see mines on and around an MCT I just laugh and throw the C4 over the mines onto the MCT. It's better to mine the building entrances.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975515] Mon, 08 April 2002 09:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mining MCTs againt engineers works, but skilled players know how to toss their c4 while staying out of range. Plus, stealth soldiers can simply plant a beacon anywhere in the base without any danger. You have to get tunnels and MCT, and just make sure to refill the tunnels.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975514] Mon, 08 April 2002 10:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I feel tunnels can be mined in some maps like under forsure, but to say never mine MCT's is silly.
There are not enough mines to mine every door, I have never found anyone "yet" who can throw C4 as far as I place mines around MCT, not to close to MCT.
But a counter may help a bit, a person feels like giving up minig when you see a idiot mining roads ways while important mines disapear, it's bad when your offence is working so hard and something as simple as laying mines can lose a game because of one person.
If your stubborn like myself, you'll just keep on laying mines over and over quickly and watch his go up in smoke, as talking to them rarely works?
Question about prox C4? [message #-975513] Mon, 08 April 2002 11:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
There is nothing I hate more than standing by the Weapons Factory MCT, and to see them slowly start vaporizing....
I quickly type: "We've reached our limit folks, stop laying mines...."
another one goes...and another....
"Folks, Really, We've laid all our mines, PLEASE STOP"
Sometimes you just wanna punch someone.
Always look at the text folks....always look at the chat text.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975512] Mon, 08 April 2002 11:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i have seen a lot of useless mine planting lately and its kinda annoying...especially when I've already mined KEY points and they start disappering.

Am I wrong, or does it make sense to use the limited number of mines you're allotted to secure "choke points" where they will be most effective? For example: I'm on Walls last night. I planted little groups of mines (2-3) across the entrance and in the tunnel. This left us with @ 5-7 C4 free to use when attacking the opponent's base. Some fool starts running around mining doorways of every building. Let's see - 4 buildings, two doors apiece, 4 mines to a door...oops. We're out of c4 with none to use at enemy base.

Am I wrong? Doesn't it make sense to use them where they'll make the most damage and can be easily seen exploding (to warn team memebrs) & replaced (Purchase panels close by) rather than having to run around to check every building to see if it needs new mines? And dont get me started about the fools who just chuck mines all over the ground wherever they run. yar!

Question about prox C4? [message #-975511] Mon, 08 April 2002 11:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Had a game the other night which turned into as bit of a tech/hotwire duel I thought I'd done a good job of laying out sneaky defensive laying, and was patrolling...

Went to a tunnel entrance to check how things were, only to dicsover that a tech was busy clearing my mines and laying his own !@#$\% We faced off with pistols, and damaged each other enough to withdraw, but I'm glad I caught him in the act or I'd have stumbled through his field thinking it was mine

Maybe it's obvious, but never forget to target mines with your mouse to check whose they are, before walking near them hehe.

Question about prox C4? [message #-975510] Mon, 08 April 2002 13:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i think it's important to remember that there are always gonna be guys out there wasting mines, and making the carefully laid ones by those in this thread go poof. if you're playing base D, then patrol the base and watch for mines disappearing and replace em. you may have to do this continually to keep them doing their job. even if there's no one on your team doing it, you can bet the enemy is either exploding them or defusing them somewhere...
Question about prox C4? [message #-975509] Mon, 08 April 2002 18:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Guess your right, it'll never end. If you care about your team and your a idiot like me you'll end up running circles replacing mines the whole dame game.
To break the boredom, I often buy a flame tank etc, go help the boys out, die and go back to base def.

To the fellow laying 2-3 mines in groups at wide entrance to wall map, I'm not convinced that mines are worth laying there as it is super wide and don't do much damage to vehicles, or are you just trying to stop foot soldiers?

Question about prox C4? [message #-975508] Tue, 09 April 2002 01:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I agree with you Vegas Joe -

if you sit in the entrance on that map with a tank or two to fend off other tanks - you can probably hold them (with engie support and all)

mining the tunnel below is a safe bet....

Question about prox C4? [message #-975507] Tue, 09 April 2002 01:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've got a new technique that works pretty well. I place a couple of mines on either side of a door on the inside at head level. The nme can't see the mines and think it's an easy entry, but when they walk throught the door the get a mine to the head .

I've also mixed this up with some trickery. I'll place an obvious mine off to one side of an entrance outside. Most times they'll go to the opposite side and enter (I make an obvious gap [noob style ]). Again, the head shot mine tags em before they know what happend.

Question about prox C4? [message #-975506] Tue, 09 April 2002 03:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i know about the max limit for prox. mines.
Is this limit the same for c4,including remote mines?

On one game our team was laying fields of remote mines and when a flame tank or two showed up,we all detonated them as they crossed them. It was effective at keeping them at bay while we kept racking in points. If You were in that game, You'd know (nod was using general chat and showed us every ft rush they planned)

We had like two large fields we kept replanting and one that was smaller just to get them into the larger two

Question about prox C4? [message #-975505] Tue, 09 April 2002 03:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think it's a C4 limit. Therefore, all remote, timed, and prox mines count toward the 30 limit. You may have been ok since you were blowing yours periodically, but if you had a ton of prox mines and tried that tactic you're proxy's would've dissappeared.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975504] Tue, 09 April 2002 03:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i heard so much scuttlebut about which mines add to the 30 limit that i tested it myself in mp practice. the limit is for proxies and remote c4s only. the timed DO NOT count towards that limit, so feel free to waste those all you want. often early in the game i'll throw a timed where i think an inf may pass by. every once in awhile i'll get a hit! lol..
Question about prox C4? [message #-975503] Tue, 09 April 2002 03:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by kiwi98989:
A mine counter would be a god send! i hate playing with people and i tell them"i'm planting mines, no one else place them or we will go over limit" yet on maps like walls, they place all the c4 at the base entrance or in the tunnels. its too easy for the mines to be deactivated in the tunnels and most stealth beacon soldiers or even techs can just hug the wall and slip right past the mines and head right to the unmined buildings.

actually RDL and myself did exactly what you just said. He babysat the bottem as a hotwire, me th etop. both of us managed to get a bodygaurd each.
Only one person managed to doa stealth nuke.
And thanks to the bodygaurd who took out the troop, i managed to defuse the beacon.
I crapped myself because it had played the sound of the sirens and rushing of air of the bomb-it had just hit the deathly silence before the bang, but that was the only beacon they managed to place in the entire game. and because i had a massive amount of cash, i bought about 4 mammoth tanks for my teammates. poor nod didn't stand a chance. Razz

Question about prox C4? [message #-975502] Tue, 09 April 2002 03:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
30 total c4 Includes all proxy,time and remote. As far as placement, There are several good tactics depending on the map you are playing. Dont get into a battle of the same team Miners. Poof,poof,poof. ussually both you and your team mate see some c4 dissappear, Think about it if you palce some to replace yours his go poof , he replaces them yours go poof.

While there is no totally perfect way to use c4. there are several improper techniques. Don't place c4 on c4 it doesn't do twice the damage. Don't line them up touching each other, Dont' Place 20 of your 30 in any one place. If frindly fire is on don't place them on your buddies. (you can kill enemys this way). It is fun to place them on your team mates to see their reaction but it is generally frowned upon.

As a tech or hotty your best defense in a close up fight is to pop your remote c4 before you get shot or drop some proxies in a crowded room. I've stopped multiple engy rushes with the c4 a hotty-tech carrys

Question about prox C4? [message #-975501] Tue, 09 April 2002 03:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The fact that the remote c-4 counts towards the total count really SUCKS!! As a Hotwire sometimes u have to use them to keep yourself alive or finish off a building, since you only have a whimpy little pistol. Either they shouldn't count or the count should be higher. So next time you see mines disapearing think that possibly it's not because another person is randomly laying mines, maybe they're using remote c-4 to save their life or destroy enemy buildings. Just some food for thought.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975500] Tue, 09 April 2002 04:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I make sure to tell everyone that I'm mining in a game. Hopefully, anyone considering mining will be paying attention. That way, if you lose mines for breaching the limit it's your fault.
Question about prox C4? [message #-975499] Wed, 10 April 2002 03:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just a hint of advice for all of you. When you see something happening in a game that isn't going the way you'd like, write up a text message once or twice to give advice to your team. Not everyone is aware of every limitations of characters and vehicles in the game. Not everyone is aware of what your specific plans are.

So, if you're mining an area and feel that you have sufficiently covered the base and want to take over duties for mining the base, then advise your teammates. I would also STRONGLY suggest that you let your team know about the 30 mine limit. I didn't find out until last week and I've been playing for 3 weeks now. An average player wouldn't expect to see mines disappear from the game like they have done here. So if others are planting mines that you feel are useless, just let them know that you are taking care of business.

Of course, you'll run into the oddball who just won't care and will ignore messages or just wants to play Rambo style but for the most part, you'll be creating more team oriented players by giving them advice.

If you ever spot me in a game (CedricSneer), don't be surprised to see messages from just about everything I'm about to do. I like my team to know where I'm going or what I'm doing. I also like to notify my team where mines are disappearing and where enemy mines are being placed. And most of all, I like to notify my team of incoming attacks from a certain side. If only I could come up with more efficient ways of doing this instead of typing it all out...

Question about prox C4? [message #-975498] Wed, 10 April 2002 17:12 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Sound advice - but sometimes you get yelled at by the "rambo's" and "kiddies"

and i dont play to babysit those types.

About two weeks in the retail release - i would say "Laying mines" - "about 15 mines out" - and some "IDIOT" sends "BFD -"
and i watched all the mines i lay go *POOF*

well - that so angered me - i just stop
doing BD on that map - and in rolled GDI - we lost the game. (All the wanna-be tank hero's were "Defend the Base" or "Repair that..." - i just replied -- "Guess you needed the mines, uh?"

got really quiet after that....

Hope to see you and the other team players in the game -- games played that way are the best!

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