Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975318] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 02:26  |
I just played on city and kicked some Nod a$$. I took down 2 buildings all by myself(although I don't like being a lone wolf). I got about 2000 points when the whole team got about 9000(I would have got more but I got disconnected. Don't know if I was MVP, probably was). Become a sydney(with PIC)/gunner and run for those buildings. If you want to you can sit there taking out the harvy but it's a waste of time. Get yourself into the buildings closest to the Nod base(this is easiest when there is a GDI rush on-everyone is in the base defending-or if you can get a friend to snipe the people down that's good too.) Move to the gap so you can see the base(not too close or the OBy will get you). You can either stand their pounding on it(good if others do this also)or you can wait untill it fires at something else(again, if there is a rush on)and rush for it. I manage to slip in unnoticed. Place your timed c4 on the MCT and back away to that corner by the door(this minimalises your damage from it and also stops people shooting through the door at you.). Then stand there shooting at the MCT untill it is bye bye Oby. By now you should be out of ammo so should run back to your base. When I did this in the game I just played I managed to stand too close to the MCT so I died and then respawned hearing "Nod Obelisk destroyed". That was such a lovely feeling. Talk about an adrenaline rush! I did this again but this time I stood in the upper holes and one by one took out the Nod turrets. Now I had made the base vunerable to any half decent rush. I then rushed in to the Air strip and placed my c4 and stood there shooting at the MCT. It happened again but this time I was killed by Nod soldiers and some c4 planted on my face. By now in the game all that was left of the base was the refinery. I got disconnected when I was going in with my medium tank, it got destroyed and I was just running into the refinery when I disconnected. I was so angry! I could have got a near perfect game! Destroying everything but the Hand of Nod.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975316] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 02:55   |
A much easier (and cheaper as well as faster) tactic is to take a hummer and a technician and blow up their buildings. Works like a charm if you know how (can't just go right in like Nod can with their buggies).
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975315] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 03:07   |
I don't like using vehicles to rush in. You either abandon it(letting the enemy get it so your maximum for vehicles goes down by one)or you sit there untill it is destroyed(so when you get out everyone knows you are there and you don't last 2 seconds). In the game I described, I heard "APC rush! Everyone gather by the weapons factory for the rush!" That was when I was half way to the Nod base. When I arrived no buildings had gone done other than the Oby(which I'd already taken down) and the hand of Nod(taken down just about when I took down the Oby)and I could see about 7 apcs rushing around on the side of Nod. They made it fecking difficult to make it to the airstrip. Maybe if that rush hadn't taken place I would have had enough health to run to the power plant. That rush did nothing and cost me a decent attack.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975312] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 04:05   |
Actually, I've just realised. I was lucky that those buildings weren't mined. YOu may need to do this as a pair so that one person can run ahead and set them off whilst the other takes care of the MCT.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975311] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 04:17   |
quote: don't like using vehicles to rush in. You either abandon it(letting the enemy get it so your maximum for vehicles goes down by one)or you sit there untill it is destroyed(so when you get out everyone knows you are there and you don't last 2 seconds).
Yes, but that is not an issue when playing GDI on City because if you know what you're doing, the vehicle will blow close to the HoN or Airstrip and you'll be close enough to just run in. Also, the Hummer is vulnerable to mines so when the HoN is mined in the newbie-ish way (which it almost always is) use the hummer and you'll blow up the mines, get rid of the extra vehicle AND make most people think you failed the rush and died.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975310] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 04:27   |
quote: Originally posted by Remirol Nacnud: Actually, I've just realised. I was lucky that those buildings weren't mined. YOu may need to do this as a pair so that one person can run ahead and set them off whilst the other takes care of the MCT.
Instead of that just get a hotwire for 350 and go solo, remove the mines and blow the obelisk up. much cheaper.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975309] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 17:47   |
Sorry bout the link. It's the post on this forum about booby trapping your ride. It's a tride and true method of preventing a humvee/buggy from falling into enemy hands.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975308] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 06:04   |
But do you really think that a hotwire can stand there repairing a load of mines without being noticed? Standing at the back of the Oby you are about as vunerable as you can get. No, no, you need to quickly get in there. I've done this a few times and it is amazing that people barely ever come to get you(even though they can see your rockets/big blue laser thing across the base). Normally it seems that GDI lose on city(a lot of times when I go in the power is already down and Nod forces are knocking at the door)
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975307] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 06:15   |
Well there is a smaller chance they will notice you if you disarm the mines than if you blast away at the obelisk, that "Nod obelisk under attack" warning should get enough people there before you get to do anything, a hotwire can disarm and blow the obelisk up before anyone has enough time to respond. [ April 09, 2002: Message edited by: Jaymz ]
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975306] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 07:33   |
PLus the hotwire deals her blow in one fowl swoop while the gunner/PIC muts repeatedly hit the building, giving the enemy knowledge of the attack and time to respond with an engi.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975305] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 09:52   |
Funny, I started out just pounding on the oby from the outside and I've never noticed it being repaired and only once a flamer came after me. It's only recently that I have had the opportunity to rush for the buildings(oby distracted) and no-one has yet come after me before I destroyed the oby.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975304] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 10:12   |
It's a good strategy but you can do all that with a hotwire and 650 credits cheaper. And you won't alert nod with the attack warning, as long as you wait as long as possible before detonating the remote mines. However, I've noticed the obelisk does 300 damage to a vehicle on a direct hit (usually the 1st one, I think as long as it has a good angle on you). I don't know if this is the same for infantry, but if 1000 cahractyers have 250 life and 100 armor (which i think, but donrt quite remember) then it would let you survive one hit from the obelisk. but rushing with 2 hotwires always works, as well, because only one has to get in.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975303] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 13:37   |
Having no one come after while pounding at the obelisk is really stupid by the other team, you were extremely lucky, one engineer can simply repair it rendering your attack useless. Also i find that more able players now place around 15 mines in the obelisk, you will need at least 5 people to sacrifice themselves for you to be able to go in. a hotwire or two can get the mines cleared rather fast. also they could heal themselves past the mines.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975302] |
Wed, 10 April 2002 01:13   |
This tactic doesn't work so well in good sized games (24, 32 player). You'd be lucky to even make it halfway to the enemy base with Sydney before being attacked by a few enemy troops. Usually, there are too many enemies wandering around their base to be able to sneak up to anything without being seen. Snipers will also ruin your day very quickly and there are usually several in large games. For small games, that tactic would probably work very well.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975301] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 04:11   |
I'm on the level that you are supposed to put the Ion Beacon in front of the temple, The only problem is : How the Hell do I get by the Obleisk???Thanks in Advance!
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975300] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 04:27   |
First, make sure you have the green card. If not, go to the back door of the Ref. and kill the black hand in there and take the card. Now proceed to the obelisk. Unlock the gate and you get an MRLS. Before taking it. Snipe down as many infantry in the area as you can. You take the MRLS and blast away!
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975297] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 17:03   |
quote: Originally posted by yonahs: How do I stop the Obelisk from killing me??
Use the force, young padawan. Mind trick the obelisk into believing you are not there... but run very very fast just to be sure.
Strategy for GDI on city. [message #-975295] |
Tue, 09 April 2002 08:01   |
i beat that lvl too, but no MLRS i had to use mamoth where is the MLRS???? i went through opened both gates then had to walk all teh way around to get by mamoth back?????