Originally posted by destruyax:
I basically have a surefire way to take out the Nod ref. in Field...but I'm not telling because so far it's worked 95\% of the time and basically every server I've done it on, someone has asked "how did you get it in one?" ![](cool.gif)
NOD NUKE on GDI Refinery on Field.
Step #1: Go down tunnel toward Barracks
Step #2: Turn right but stay close to wall
Step #3: Head for the dark spot next to Refinery (this only works if you are stealth blackhand)
Step #4: Deploy your NUKE Beacon in dark spot next to wall next to GDI Refinery. (Best to plant 2-3 Nukes at same time)
Step #5: If Tech or one is with you plant 5-10 Proximity Mines near NUKES.
Step #6: Carefully retrace your steps and go back the same way you came in.
Step #7: Periodically fire at the Weap Factor as a diversion if there is less than 4 defenders on base, if more then 4 RUN!!!!!
Step #8: GOOD LUCK!!!!!!