If you play hotwire/tech long enough, you'll realise a counter is essential! Just last night a 12/12 game had 7 hotwires !!! (Granted some (2?) were on the frontline in repair mode.)It was like multiple "beam me up scotty" with all the disapperaing mines. I piped up "Hey Hotwires, watch the mine count..you're removing the base defense mines" Only to be ignored. No-one likes a pushy player so I left it.
5 mins later we were three structures down from Engineer rushes. Go figure.
At least having a counter would let individuals see what's what, without having to be told - which most would prolly resent...afterall, who is the "boss" hotwire?
It's small enhancements like this that will only add to the fun of the game, and hopefully promote co-op.