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Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972432] |
Wed, 24 April 2002 15:05  |
Heh - well, I ventured onto Gamespy for the first time in weeks to play Renegade since WOL is down...and I get onto this relatively low-lag server with this obnoxious pr1ck named [HNiC]Mastrmind or something to that effect in first place and being a braggart about it, too. The map initially was Walls_Flying - so of course, my first action was to try a tech raid - alone. I know it sounds Rambo-ish, but there are some times when I just can't team with people - base killin' on foot is one of those times (unless it's a gin raid, in which case I need at least one person for their extra C4). As my luck would have it, this as*hole is RIGHT outside the tunnels as I emerge in a Hotwire and starts blasting the hell out of me - to his credit, his aim was decent. So, I get killed, only to hear - "Yeah, f4g0t, don't bring that sh*t here." So, obviously, I go into "not a game anymore, let's teach this pr1ck a lesson" mode. So I suit up with a beacon and a stealth, get to the other base (well-mined, except for a hole in the veh. entrance that was never fixed) and take out their PP. Mastrmind starts yelling. Then our PP goes down. As I run back into base, I sacrifice a sh1tload of credits to buy a tech to mine the pedestal and then use my remaining credits to buy another stealth suit and beacon. On my way into the GDI base a second time, our Airstrip gets blown - I couldn't care less - as I have the second target in sight - the Barracks. I plant it under the ramp on the right side and set c4 a little far out from the beacon. Sure enough, two hotwires and a gin come to disarm - I kill one 'wire and the C4 does the rest - the beacon had barely a sliver left as it detonated. Two down. Long story short for this round, I get the disarming party again on the roof of the weaps with the C4 and claim a hat trick for that round. They ended up holding their refinery and winning, but I was MVP, Mastrmind had long since shut up, and it was GSA, so it didn't matter. Next map, City_Flying. After a few iffy invasion attempts, I mine the PP so well GOD couldn't get in. Mastrmind tries an APC raid only to get in a dance with my remote C4 and lose. Not wanting an encore, I buy a tech and buggy and make my way over to their base. I find their PP entrance unmined...still suspicious, I work my way to the MCT only to see the area in front of it is mined pretty **** well, but sloppily. I take two mines and open up a route to get C4 on the MCT, and blow the PP. Oh man, you shoulda HEARD the adulation (ok - it was only one person *sigh*) and curses that followed. As is customary, when I'm heavily damaged in a tech, I strolled into the middle of their base and pointed my repair beam to the sky as my way of giving them all the finger and got an express trip back to our base. Ok, BEACON time. My first target is the refinery. Now that I've neutralized their defenses and doubled their costs, I want to eliminate their money supply. I plant the beacon behind the smaller smokestack and once again offset plant my C4 charge. To my surprise, THREE hotwires and a Soldier cover come up. I kill one hotwire, and the C4 kills the other two - followed by me lasering the cover, who was pretty screwed up by the charge. Boom. Got structure two - a comrade planted a beacon at the barracks which closely followed my own. COULD I GET ANY MORE BRAZEN? Yes, yes I can. I work my way into their base a third time to see both the barracks and weaps HEAVILY mined (even the ramp up the side of the weaps was covered in proxies). So, not wanting to plant the beacon in a conventional place, I put it right under the ramp and again set my C4. Well, as was no surprise, all hell came out for the beacon - a stolen Buggy (probably my own from my PP raid - gotta love n00bs who steal before investigating), FOUR hotwires, and a grenadier. Well, I cap one hotwire and the C4 takes the other three all the while while I'm dancing with the buggy trying not to get run over. And as I'm jumping around and firing, one of my teammates takes out the dormant AGT. Things are very good - except for 3/4 of the GDI team trying to kill my ass. So, after we won (the beacon did successfully detonate) the server shuts down seconds after the final score screen appears. My guess is that Mastrmind was the server host. But still, two hat tricks in one night - I can go to bed happy.  Too bad it didn't count to my total or I'd be over 200 structures destroyed. [ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: destruyax ]
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972427] |
Thu, 25 April 2002 06:46   |
That was probally me saying *sigh* I remember this one time I was in a Gamespy game and these 2 snipers named The Hunter (more like Deathhawk: The Hunter or something) and www.Munkiman.com (something to that effect, as you can see, I have a hard time remembering names ). These 2 end up being brothers, and I eventually got involved in a sniper war with them. At the end, we pretty much sniped each other the same amount of times, but Hunter was bragging the next game how he "beat my ass". So I nicely correct him and said it was pretty much a tie, and he starts insulting me and cussing. I ask why he's getting so worked up about a game, since I don't really get mad about anything unless i'm in a bad mood, and he says that the game is life . The thought "wierdo" immediately entered my mind, and I told him that he shouldn't confuse the game with reality, and he replies that the game is in reality. After a while of failing to get through to his thick skull, I end up beating him pretty much in the sniper war for that game (which he denies probally still to this day). But I try not to get mad and says that he's a decent sniper to myself. But a few games later, I parked my averagely damaged medium tank next to the area outside the GDI base in Under. Well, Hunter and his little friends were riding stealth tanks and started firing his stealth missles from across the tiberium field. Thinking to myself that he was a complete moron since I was way out of the stealth tank's range, to my suprise, the missles all hit my medium tank and destroyed it. After questioning that I don't think stealth missles go that far, Hunter admitted that he hacked the server or something like that. That being the last straw, I left the server. On another note, a few days later, I encountered his brother Munki (or Mushi, I forget) and he comes in bragging that his brother beat my ass in the sniper war. I asked him if his brother and his clan still cheats, and he starts going crazy saying that his brother beat my ass and they don't cheat. It felt kinda good kicking his ass that match 
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972425] |
Thu, 25 April 2002 07:09   |
i think that was me who destroyed the barax, was i a ssoldier w/ abecon, and i put it under the ramp on the side closer to the agt? anyway....
i was in a wol forum game (wolf w/e) it was city_flying and decided that since evry1 likes a flying unit, i would apc rush...i get my apc, and some1 gets a patch and a becon, and gets in, and a soldier, and told him to wait in the apc so it wouldnt get stolen (i was a hotwire) i get to thier pp alright, but that one entrance(the left one) was heavily mined, but the right one was mine free....idiots... i planted the c4 and waited while the patch covered me.... then he planted the becon in there ref, while i covered it w/ proxies...we both get into the apc, and run back for another one, but suddenly a mendoza apears to block us,i sed "q me" and he gave me control of the gun, 5 head shots onhim, and we barley make it back alive, but one thing, we forgot patch......he got out to duel the mendoza, and was hidding on thier skysc****r for exfiltration, so i buy a helitranspor thing and was being chased by 2 apaches.....to my luck they had TERRIBLE AIM so i got to thier skysc****r i didnt notice but some1 had a becon in my transport so i put him down ontop of the HAND and he becons it and we run away, hehe it was a blast because snipers were covering it, while we made a run for it, so thats 3 down, 2 to go....i become a mobius, and have a becon and mammoth(destrpoyed thhie power, and have cash from tib) so i get back in my transport, and have a couple of officers-to cover me while im planting- and snipers- to kill ppl trying to diffuse...i plant it ontop of the airstrip so they could cover it and decided to have some fun...pputting c4 on the mct in the obby, will make them think that its beconed instead of the airstrip...and to my supprise i found 2 flametanks being made, so i asked my team mates to jump in, and they did, so the becon went off and the obby gopt destroyed almost instantaniosly... hehe man i gotta love those team mates who LISTEN
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972424] |
Thu, 25 April 2002 07:43   |
quote: Originally posted by Darb Sllim: I don't know man, there's something fishy sounding about you and your timed c4 blowing everyone up the 6 times you placed a beacon...Call me crazy, but it's my nickname.
It wasn't every time. The beacon I put on the PP wasn't even found until it was too late, and I didn't set C4 there. The other two were - Barracks/Weaps. On City, there were another two - the refinery and the weaps - so that makes four total - not six. The PP on Walls and the PP on city were unopposed. One was a C4 takedown, the other was a beacon. But the hilarious thing was after it happened a second time, I announced - "I can't believe you didn't see the C4 after it killed you last time." Of course I didn't get a reply...but I just found it funny that after it'd burned the disarming parties twice that they weren't looking - and after two times on City they still hadn't gotten the picture....
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972423] |
Thu, 25 April 2002 09:00   |
The best ive ever done was 4 mvp's in a row. Breif layout: Game1: Flame rushed em. Game2: Beacon on pp, c4 refinery, stealth tank barracks, beacon the pedistal. Game3: Single mammy tank while they're out of base. Game4:Used stealth black hands the whole game, stole 2 mammy's and a medium tank.
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972421] |
Thu, 25 April 2002 14:13   |
In hindsight, after writing this, a few tips come out. 1: On Walls, DON'T put mines in the actual tunnel part. I've seen people put mines all the way down the stretch of the tunnel - sometimes more than 10. This is a BAD thing to do. Because if a team of engineers is able to disarm all of them, that not only nets them more credits, but it nets their teams more than 300 points. On Walls, when I mine the tunnels, I put the charges out of sight at the top of the exits (usually six per side - normally only one is visible). So - when an invasion attempt comes through, they blindly stumble over them thinking our team is a bunch of gung-ho idiots who didn't bother to mine. This works ALL the time, and I've noticed it dramatically cuts down on raiding parties, as people tend to learn faster after losing a unit to speed vs. tact - plus you don't cost your team 300+ credits by sticking the mines down where they can easily be cleared - same premise holds true on Field - don't lay mines in the tunnels, as its wasteful and I've afforded many a beacon/stealth by disarming them. ALWAYS PLACE MINES WHERE YOU CAN EITHER HEAR OR SEE THE REPAIR BEAMS, AND NEVER GROUP THEM. 2 - Laying mines is good. Not SURVEYING them is BAD. If you're taking the time to set up an active defense for your base, bravo. But your obligation doesn't stop there. If you come back three minutes later and see out of 6 mines only three remain, take the time to remine the area. As I made clear, someone DIDN'T on the GDI Walls team and I was able to exploit it for the entire round. 3 - As I said in #1, don't group mines - the most effective mining tactic is to rope them. That is, place two at each entrance and stagger single ones over normal footpaths. You save mines, and the end result is usually much more lethal, as a good setup should be designed to kill one invader, heavily damage his backup, and leave the third invader (if applicable) alone and with little cover. Grouping mines usually only hurts one person, and unless it's the most vital or last building standing in a round, using more than 8 mines (except on vital structures such as the PP in City_Flying) is MASSIVE overkill. 4 - Whenever I mine, I always keep my own separate count as to how many I've used. Usually on Mesa I take the initiative to allocate mines to vital structures on the map. Let's face it, if the enemy takes out the Barracks with the AGT active on Mesa, you did something wrong as a team. Heavily mine structures that are the most vital. If you lose your PP on City, your offensive life is over, simple as that. Unless you can mount an equal counteroffensive strike in the next two minutes of the round, you're not going to succeed unless you pull off a miracle in the way of uber-expensive rushes thanks to (mostly) the negligence of your comrades. 5 - Renegade, IMO, has a "two-minute" rule. If you can't pull off something within two minutes of a structure going down, chances are you lose a match. Usually on non-base-def. maps, if you have decent teams against each other, if a structure is lost followed closely thereafter by a corresponding structure on the other team being lost, you're fine. But it usually takes a maximum of two minutes on any map to successfully mount an offensive, and if another structure is not claimed on the other side within that time period, usually it decides the game. It's just my observation.
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972418] |
Thu, 25 April 2002 15:17   |
quote: Originally posted by destruyax: In hindsight, after writing this, a few tips come out.- same premise holds true on Field - don't lay mines in the tunnels, as its wasteful and I've afforded many a beacon/stealth by disarming them. ALWAYS PLACE MINES WHERE YOU CAN EITHER HEAR OR SEE THE REPAIR BEAMS, AND NEVER GROUP THEM.
the only prob with that is the enemy can shoot your build while in tunnels. I'v seen it many times before, people left mines at entrance and rocket soliders rushed the build in front of entrance. I just put mines in the tunnel area and check on it ever so often to see anyone disarming or if anyhting missing.
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972416] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 06:59   |
Also, I was playing on this game in City, and it was only about a minute left. My team was behind by about 600 points, and I didn't think we were going to win, but I ended up coercing one of my teammates into putting together a 2-man flame rush for the heck of it. By the time we got to the GDI base, there were 20 seconds left, and we decided to attack the Tower. Nobody seemed to care, and nobody repaired the tower. It was destroyed in the 2 LAST SECONDS OF THE GAME, and we won by somewhere around a mere 10 points!
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972415] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 07:20   |
10 points? dude....thats funny,nobody is repairing......i bet there faces looked like this: anyway.... i played on the wolf server 1 last night, and we got our warfactory blown to shote on "field" we co-ordinated a hotwire rush throught htere tunnles, i was covering them as a mobius(after not spending a penny on anything all game i had like 10000 dollers)i covered em as a mobius, and got inside there hand, they went down instantaniously as i had a becon, and put it on he right side, as that could be covered by the snipers/can take down a turret(WOW A TURRET) and they were all like and then we did a mobius rush to there airfield, and that worked, after killing xxxgijoe a million or so times(HEHE u know what im talking about) and then allt hey had was an oby, and the turret(WOW A TURRET) and we couldnt get into there obby nomatter what the cost, as thye had like 5 flamers covering it.....and 3 stanks...i dont know why they didnt rush w/ that, but anyway....we had 1 mrls that we were saving, and we used it to take out the flamers, while the mobius were covering it, snuck into the hand (w/ 2 hotwires(heal each other/me) 3 snipers, and an officer me being patch w/ a becon) and i put it on there pedestal the hotwires put like 12 mines down there plus there mote c4 we covered the front entrance while i covered the main part of the opperation(becon on pedestal) and then thgey came crashing thro the back, while i got sniped, and they got to the becon, but i couldnt get in, because of the proxies, so we won(w00t about 210 points!)
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972414] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 07:36   |
From the sounds of it they werent trying to hard to defend the base all the time if you could take it out with c4 - unless of course your one of the smarter people.... i love techs that so sneakily come into the base - and then they set the remote c4 off before setting the timed - all that does is warn people that that building is under attack....anyway i seem to have gotten off track with what i started with so ill shut up now
Kinda a bragging story. (Warning: Long - for a post) [message #-972413] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 12:30  |
quote: Originally posted by cliffkik0: 10 points? dude....thats funny,nobody is repairing......i bet there faces looked like this: anyway.... i played on the wolf server 1 last night, and we got our warfactory blown to shote on "field" we co-ordinated a hotwire rush throught htere tunnles, i was covering them as a mobius(after not spending a penny on anything all game i had like 10000 dollers)i covered em as a mobius, and got inside there hand, they went down instantaniously as i had a becon, and put it on he right side, as that could be covered by the snipers/can take down a turret(WOW A TURRET) and they were all like and then we did a mobius rush to there airfield, and that worked, after killing xxxgijoe a million or so times(HEHE u know what im talking about) and then allt hey had was an oby, and the turret(WOW A TURRET) and we couldnt get into there obby nomatter what the cost, as thye had like 5 flamers covering it.....and 3 stanks...i dont know why they didnt rush w/ that, but anyway....we had 1 mrls that we were saving, and we used it to take out the flamers, while the mobius were covering it, snuck into the hand (w/ 2 hotwires(heal each other/me) 3 snipers, and an officer me being patch w/ a becon) and i put it on there pedestal the hotwires put like 12 mines down there plus there mote c4 we covered the front entrance while i covered the main part of the opperation(becon on pedestal) and then thgey came crashing thro the back, while i got sniped, and they got to the becon, but i couldnt get in, because of the proxies, so we won(w00t about 210 points!)
that does not seem very feasible. You would have needed lots of people to run in front of you to take the oby fire. Plus if they had that much tanks wouldn't they be covering all entrances?
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