Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971366] |
Mon, 06 May 2002 23:42   |
Not sure who you mean, but if you mean who I think you mean, I'd recommend his flying server: -> not too laggy -> always free space -> flying maps only (bad point if you like other maps also)
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971364] |
Tue, 07 May 2002 09:32   |
Ive been playing in his server for a bit, good server, diffrent maps would be nice, but the one thing about it is that theres always the same 1 guy who keeps cursing out the team for not doing something.
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971363] |
Wed, 08 May 2002 03:54  |
Endlessly I find that to be true in a lot of servers. The best remedy is to just ignore the mouthy little snots...BTW I had one last night that kept hitting his voice command "get in the vehicle". I watched this clown put some players in his vehicle and attempt a rush and it failed miserably over and over again.
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971362] |
Tue, 07 May 2002 01:45  |
dont count on nOObs to do things,one,they dont repair buildings,two,they run into base defences,three,they act like idots.
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971360] |
Tue, 07 May 2002 09:09  |
#4 NEVER attack the enemy with a group of n00bs because when there nice pretty new tank gets a scratch they run all the way back to base to fix it. EXAMPLE 6 of us went on a flame rush and as well went in their base 4 other tanks pulled out (suffering minor dammage) because they didnt want to lose their tank, I was not happy with this because it ment I wasted my $800 for nothing... How I got REVENGE  As I got back to base one of the n00bs had just bought him self another flame tank and got out to use the PT so I quickly jacked his tank and when he came back he told be to get out of the tank so I said that when he pulled out of the rush that ment that I lost my flame tank so im taking your as repayment (or something along those words) he told the host (who was accually the other person to stick in the rush with me) to boot me so the host just LOLed at him. err thats kind-a long sorry.
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971359] |
Tue, 07 May 2002 09:12  |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Super Dan: [QB]#4 NEVER attack the enemy with a group of n00bs because when there nice pretty new tank gets a scratch they run all the way back to base to fix it.Ya what is up with that!?! I've taken 2 tanks I was repairing because the driver got out and just ran away... I say in team chat.. who ever's tank I just saved it's all yours come and get it.. but nobody responds.. I can't figgure out why someone would do that. 
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971358] |
Tue, 07 May 2002 10:48  |
thanx for posting.my brother was playing agame where there base pp was being attacked,(he was destroying their ref),when he got back there was a nOOb just standing there doing nothing except shootin my brother.so i told zack just quit the game.before he quit thier pp went bye bye.and the nOOb who was shooting him,got mad at zack because he didnt repair the pp.the nOOb was an eng.
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971355] |
Fri, 10 May 2002 17:27  |
I usually don't post flaming n00b posts, but this one needs to be heard (and that I need to get my anger out, anyway) I was playing on this Westwood server with some guys called Mmartinz and JakeEnvy. The first guy joined in the middle of a game on Field, and he started saying how he was going to kick arse next game (cause his team was losing). Well, next game, his team did by using a diversionary APC to rush the Plant, while a buggy blew our Weap Factory. He comments on how our team sucks, but i'm nice enough to compliment him on his strategic skills. Well, soon enough, he keeps insulting everyone and I so that we start getting into an argument. Next match, we were at Under and on the same team . He and some guys took a few MRLS and rushed the Strip, nearly blowing it, and I came with a Med. Well, he went out to repair and got his MRLS stolen by a Stealth Hand, which I had to destroy. When I gave him some friendly advice on never repairing in the field, he starts blowing a fuse at me and tells me to shut up. At that point, i'm calling him a n00b cause he's obsessed about winning, a braggart, and doesn't listen to advice. Someone on our team gets a lucky APC rush and destroys the obelisk, and I complimented on how the Ion in our base served as a distraciton so the APC (which they thought was a distraction) could get in. Well, JakeEnvy buts in and tells me to shut up and that i'm a moron (because I complimented him?). And at the same time, Mmartinz is insulting the other team again. So, after we won, I left the game and posted this 10 minutes later to cool my anger But now that i'm done, I feel fine 
Zippy? phhhhhha! [message #-971354] |
Fri, 10 May 2002 06:35  |
my n00b enemy got out of a MAMMOTH TNAK on the field, because i told him too hehe my team did it 6 times and then told him MAMMOTH RUSH!!!!! then he got really mad and left... in his mammoth tank o yea this was under