after you blow up a structure with engy... [message #-970125] |
Sat, 18 May 2002 15:03   |
If it was an incredibly valuable structure, like the PP in _City, I walk out and martyr myself rather than have to waste time in walking back to base. ...so technically I seek out the deadliest foe I can find and kick him in a shins a few times and he usually is nice enough to give me a free ticket back to my base. Now, if I'm a 'wire/Tech, I usually ensure two future kills by putting three mines at each of the entrances of the building I killed - except on maps where the mines are incredibly vital to structure defense. 
after you blow up a structure with engy... [message #-970121] |
Sun, 19 May 2002 05:36   |
If the APC is still there and not stolen (we usually have one guy stay in until the rest return) then we get in and try to hitch a ride back home. Better than giving it to the nme. Sometimes we even make it back. It feels great to blow their power plant, and still manage to salvage the APC used during the infiltration and make it back home.
after you blow up a structure with engy... [message #-970119] |
Sat, 18 May 2002 20:57   |
2 Things I like to do are: 1) Press F2 and say "I am in your base come and kill me if you are good enough" and then wave my repair gun in the aire so they can see me 2) After blowing up there power plant I like to leave and steal the nice shiny new Med tank that the enemy has "kindly" got out of to chase me into the PP then go take the Mammoth tank and do some damage befor stealing the Humm-Vee and making a run for it back to base..... well I have only ever made it as far as stealing the Med tank 
after you blow up a structure with engy... [message #-970118] |
Sat, 18 May 2002 22:56   |
Some people are wonderfull when they re in the opposing team : On mesa, we destroyed as Nod the AGT after a good apc rush. Then i came back with the well known combo steathBH/nuke, headed for the barracks and planted the nuke. Then i saw an engy, not a hotwire, but an engy repairing himself a .... mammoth !!!!! Even now i can't understand this !!! Repairing himself a mammoth with an engy is a waste of time !!! Why he didn 't ask to the teammates hotwires ??? And repairing a vehicle alone, espececially a powerfull one, when AGT is destroyed is a call to murder !!! Yes, you know what i did. That's obvious. I stole his mammoth (thx for repairing at 75\% ) and protect my nuke with, while shooting at the same time at the ref....  [ May 19, 2002: Message edited by: n00by 0ne Ken00by ]
after you blow up a structure with engy... [message #-970116] |
Sun, 19 May 2002 04:31   |
I do one of this thing: A. I re-spawn at base B. I wait there hoping to catch a rid ewith a n00b who has left his tank alone to repair it C. I get out some more C4 and go destroy more buildings D. I kill any body with my "dinky little pistol" 
after you blow up a structure with engy... [message #-970112] |
Tue, 21 May 2002 07:26   |
Oooh, that pistol! my favorite weapon(jk, I like sniping). Anyways, I was on _City_Flying and their AGT got blown up by an early APC rush (they mined the PP and we attacked the AGT instead, heh heh little buggers). I wasn't involved in the AGT rush, but me and a friend hopped in a buggy, and I jumped out only to run onto the roof of the war factory, beacon in hand. I put the Ion in my secret place and hid in my other secret place untill the fireworks ended. Out I jumped, and seeing how I had no more C4, and I was an engy, I pulled out my pistol and proceeded to fire upon the 1,000 units coming out of the barracks. Yep, I had quite a few kills and a LOT of points, untill an Apache came out from the corner! Yeah, he could distract them while I made a run for it! I looked at the Apache once more, and a green name appeared above it. The GDI had stolen one of ours, and shot rockets at various areas to apparently celebrate his steal. I was fortunate enought to be struck by one of said rockets, and with all the money I got from the kills, I got an Apache, a Black Hand Sniper and a beacon, set the beacon on the roof of the barracks (My team had blown up all the other buildings by now, PP and Tib Ref), and went up to the left tower building thing and sniped the engys trying to disarm it. Of course I blew up my Apache so as not to draw attention to the tower, and the Beacon struck without any problems whatsoever. Hurrah! That was my story.
after you blow up a structure with engy... [message #-970111] |
Tue, 21 May 2002 07:34   |
plant whatever prox c4 is left on a hard-to-see, yet vital area(right over a door), and wait for some poor dolt to walk in the door...boink! Best placement for mines you can use...and all it takes is one! or, If I'm a standard engie, I hide just inside the door until I see a nice juicy tank, then run like hell for it, getting killed on the way by the SBH that was waiting for me to do just that.