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some serious cheating going on [message #-970071] Mon, 20 May 2002 16:56 Go to next message
I just saw the worst game I've ever played on Renegade. Cheats totally ruined it. As a Nod Black Hand Laser Chain Gunner I got one shot killed by a hot wire with a pistol. How is a one shot pistol kill possible. Yeah that seemed fair. I continued playing and just after walking through the HON We hear Hand Of Nod Under Attack, HoN Destroyed 1 right after the other. Noone was in the building and all entrances were C4 loaded. Building was totally repaired before and it just instantly goes to destroyed. No c4 in it or on it no ion beacon Deployed. WTF. The I was Standing in the Obilisk which also was undamaged, C4d and healthy. "Obilisk under Attack,Obilisk Destroyed" No way that this was not a cheat. They've really ruined this game. The power plant was online and the obilisk never fired a shot up to that point in the game. This was some real BS Cheating. I don't think this was the beacon cheat either because I never heard anyone drop a beacon friendly or otherwise. Also the super sniper pistol that the hotwire had was crazy. We were the only 2 in the tunnel and I am sure that No sniper was behind me
some serious cheating going on [message #-970070] Mon, 20 May 2002 18:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
There are two cheats I actively know of but have no idea how to activate or use.

One is the infinite C4 cheat and the other is a supergun cheat that kills anything one or 2 shots. Very rare and guarded by the users, unlike the beacon bug.

some serious cheating going on [message #-970069] Mon, 20 May 2002 23:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It must be the latter one.
some serious cheating going on [message #-970068] Tue, 21 May 2002 01:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've encountered the same experience with the "one shot you're dead" act from a Hotwire. I was full health, a Blackhand and I received just one shot from the pistol..It was over, to say the least I respawned as a Mendoza, went on a personal quest and took care of business....
some serious cheating going on [message #-970067] Tue, 21 May 2002 02:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
On laddered games there are no cheats.
A pistol can take you out in 2 to 3 shots to the head. But by looking at the person shooting, you cant tell that 3 shots were fired.

I play this game a hell of alot, and I never have seen any unlimited c4'ing. Maybe you got rushed by multiple players, they planted their c4 and took off or were killed by your teammates.

some serious cheating going on [message #-970066] Tue, 21 May 2002 02:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have not found any proof of cheating yet, but I have also encountered some questionable things, like more vehicles than they should have money for early on in the game. About the Hand... which map was this on? On the flying maps you can potentially get inside the Hand without using the two entrances. Also.. you said you just went through it.. did you hear any explosions when the warning occurred? As for the one shot hotwire.. lag combined with direct head shots can cause that illusion quite often from my experience. That and never underestimate where snipers can hide. Their range is practically the entire map.

One thing that has puzzled me is being shot while inside a building. I don't mean splash damage. I mean getting shot by the machine gun from a Buggy while I am standing by the MCT and all the building doors are shut. It's happened a couple of times now and puzzles the heck out of me.

One other thing I've noticed is that the building under attack warnings don't always work properly when multiple buildings are under attack. WHen I attack a building, I'll often fire a couple shots at one building, but then instant switch to attacking a different one. Only the warning for the first building is heard until I have the second building down to red health (I was using mobile artillery). By then it was too late and the building was gone in a few seconds.

I don't mean to discredit your statements. It's just that I've been accused of cheating before when I don't understand how anything I did was cheating, so it must be an effect caused by lag or something. Either that or I've starting becoming a better player than I thought.

I don't think that there are many cheats, but there is definately bug abuse.

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: kubi0461 ]

some serious cheating going on [message #-970065] Tue, 21 May 2002 02:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Never, ever, ever underestimate the true power of lag. It really sucks.
some serious cheating going on [message #-970064] Tue, 21 May 2002 03:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Someone accused me of being a cheater because I was "warping" every where... you can guess that a 3 lettered word was behind this
some serious cheating going on [message #-970063] Tue, 21 May 2002 03:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
People are definitely manipulating the game.
It's not an illussion and it sucks!
Just last night I was playing on GDI when I saw another person on GDI, but their name wasn't yellow it was red. They looked like nod only they still had the GDI symbol. Very deceptive! I know this happened and it wasn't caused by lag. I'm sure there is other cheating going on!
some serious cheating going on [message #-970062] Tue, 21 May 2002 03:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by rogueranger:
People are definitely manipulating the game.
It's not an illussion and it sucks!
Just last night I was playing on GDI when I saw another person on GDI, but their name wasn't yellow it was red. They looked like nod only they still had the GDI symbol. Very deceptive! I know this happened and it wasn't caused by lag. I'm sure there is other cheating going on!

I saw that too, were you playing the free beer server?
some serious cheating going on [message #-970061] Tue, 21 May 2002 03:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
unlimited c4 eh? Can you say lag fest? the reason there is a limit on C4 is to cut down on lag. Lets face it, even with the limit lag is still an issue
some serious cheating going on [message #-970060] Tue, 21 May 2002 04:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't believe there was no C4 on the MCT in the Hand of Nod. I do that -constantly-. All you do is place remote and timed on the MCT. The second the timed blows, you blow the remote, and thus you hear "HON under..HON destroyed". In one second flat.

You just didn't notice the c4.

As far as that measily pistol you all speak of, try getting used to it. I've killed endless snipers, blackhands, raveshaws, prototypes, gunners, etc. with that so-thought wimpy pistol. Like he said above, 3-4 shots (which I can place easily, every time) to the head and you're done.

So much for cheating.

some serious cheating going on [message #-970059] Tue, 21 May 2002 17:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the only cheats I've seen so far is a little speed cheater (once) and someone that had that literly no damage for any type of shot.

Not sure if it's laddered or not. But one guy stood still shooting at a building, I placed like 200 shots from my auto rifle into his head (he was ignoring me, while standing still). So there's no way it was lag, he turned around and killed me then.

But I rarely see any of those cheats at all. I've only seen it happen like 2 twice (armor) and once with the speed. I finally saw the destroying bases with friendly beacons recently as well, which the person was reported and is probably banned (wolf 1 server).

some serious cheating going on [message #-970058] Tue, 21 May 2002 17:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by rogueranger:
People are definitely manipulating the game.
It's not an illussion and it sucks!
Just last night I was playing on GDI when I saw another person on GDI, but their name wasn't yellow it was red. They looked like nod only they still had the GDI symbol. Very deceptive! I know this happened and it wasn't caused by lag. I'm sure there is other cheating going on!

This is something that has happened since the early beta test days, it is not a cheat, just a harmless bug in the game.

some serious cheating going on [message #-970057] Tue, 21 May 2002 17:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have seen some really freaky stuff in renegade...

Hotwire and soldier with Volt Rifle
(could have been a mod, I did'nt check the game settings with 'L')...

But nothing that could be called cheating for sure (not trying to say it could never happen).

some serious cheating going on [message #-970056] Tue, 21 May 2002 17:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by The Argon Array:
I have seen some really freaky stuff in renegade...

Hotwire and soldier with Volt Rifle
(could have been a mod, I did'nt check the game settings with 'L')...

But nothing that could be called cheating for sure (not trying to say it could never happen).

When weapons spawn is on, you can end up with all kinds of different weapons no matter what character you are playing.

some serious cheating going on [message #-970055] Tue, 21 May 2002 17:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by dudex0x:
This is something that has happened since the early beta test days, it is not a cheat, just a harmless bug in the game.

I wouldn't say it's harmless. It makes that person appear to be on the other team and allows them to waltz right into their base when there are no defenses or steal vehicles, because you have to look really close to notice that they don't have a nod symbol.

some serious cheating going on [message #-970054] Tue, 21 May 2002 06:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the weapon spawners for the spawn weapons option are these: shotgun, auto rifle, flamethrower, and rocket launcher. There are no others, unless it is a custom map.

Oh, and there is a bug that nullifies weapon damage, it happens on custom maps from time to time. Were you on a custom map?

some serious cheating going on [message #-970053] Tue, 21 May 2002 06:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by NukeIt15:
the weapon spawners for the spawn weapons option are these: shotgun, auto rifle, flamethrower, and rocket launcher. There are no others, unless it is a custom map.

The basic infantry weapon too, or is that the auto rifle? (I don't recall the name of it) Also, the basic sniper rifle spawns as well. I've seen that and it was on a regular laddered game.

I wouldn't mind a repair gun spawn, though.

some serious cheating going on [message #-970052] Tue, 21 May 2002 06:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Take a screenshot and Just report them to Westwood with the SS! I know it wont stop cheaters from happening but it will teach the current lamers not to cheat or **** WW off!
some serious cheating going on [message #-970051] Tue, 21 May 2002 07:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
C'mon guys, you look too hard. I've played at least 250 games and have never encountered anything badly suspicious activity. I think it's all just bugs, mods, custom maps, spawned weapons, warp and most of all lag. Well, I only play laddered games on WOL, but even if you encounter an invinsible enemy, just find something else to shoot...
some serious cheating going on [message #-970050] Tue, 21 May 2002 09:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
about the hand blowing up instantly-it's not a cheat, only a SMART hotwire. you see when I assault a structure with a Hotwire I WAIT TILL THE TIMED CHARGES DETONATE!!!! then I det. my remotes. The building is gone FLAT in 2 secs. Also it doesn't matter if u mined the door,if I have enough time or no one is shooting at me I simply disarm the Prox mines. I say people that accuse others of hacking without any solid evidence(pics, movies, ETC.) then they are n00bs, morons, or lousy players. also pistols are a formidable weapon in a competent players hand, 4-5 headshots and lights out.
some serious cheating going on [message #-970049] Tue, 21 May 2002 12:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by snakeoil:
I don't believe there was no C4 on the MCT in the Hand of Nod. I do that -constantly-. All you do is place remote and timed on the MCT. The second the timed blows, you blow the remote, and thus you hear "HON under..HON destroyed". In one second flat.

You just didn't notice the c4.

As far as that measily pistol you all speak of, try getting used to it. I've killed endless snipers, blackhands, raveshaws, prototypes, gunners, etc. with that so-thought wimpy pistol. Like he said above, 3-4 shots (which I can place easily, every time) to the head and you're done.

So much for cheating.

maybe someone sould be a SBH and use their pistol to get close to do some headshots...

some serious cheating going on [message #-970048] Tue, 21 May 2002 12:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by The Argon Array:
I have seen some really freaky stuff in renegade...

Hotwire and soldier with Volt Rifle
(could have been a mod, I did'nt check the game settings with 'L')...

But nothing that could be called cheating for sure (not trying to say it could never happen).

maybe spawn weapons...wait...volt rifle isnt in the spawning list...
some serious cheating going on [message #-970047] Tue, 21 May 2002 12:59 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Originally posted by NukeIt15:
the weapon spawners for the spawn weapons option are these: shotgun, auto rifle, flamethrower, and rocket launcher. There are no others, unless it is a custom map.

Oh, and there is a bug that nullifies weapon damage, it happens on custom maps from time to time. Were you on a custom map?

you're forgetting the sniper rifle..with a SBH, you can get a sniper rifle and get lots of kills. you just cant use scope because the game counts that as shooting.
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