a good snipin tecnique [message #-968248] |
Tue, 18 June 2002 13:06  |
a good tecnique i use,is on a sniping only game.1st you get a game with sniperz only then make sure there s spawn weapons,and you have 2 be Nod.then make sure u know where a sniper rifle is and u b a steath black hand get the sniper and u get 2 b invisible and they dont see you until its 2 late
a good snipin tecnique [message #-968243] |
Tue, 18 June 2002 14:58   |
all the scope is good for is slowing you down. The little red dot tells you all you need to know. Knowing that much, the SBH is the best sniping unit with spawn weapons. So long as you aim carefully and take cover after your kill(while you're visible), you'll be hard as hell to take out.
a good snipin tecnique [message #-968239] |
Wed, 19 June 2002 00:44   |
plus you get 2 sneak right up behind your enemy and either shoot him in the head,or throw c4 geez it doesnt matter if u leave a letter out of the title
a good snipin tecnique [message #-968238] |
Wed, 19 June 2002 01:19   |
I find the zoom feature useful when using a regular (500 cred) sniper over long distances. You want that head shot - you shoot the guy in the body, then he's still alive and takes cover. You shoot him in the head, he's dead.
Some people might be good enough to score a consistent non-zoom head shot from halfway across a map - I ain't one of 'em.
a good snipin tecnique [message #-968237] |
Wed, 19 June 2002 01:46   |
I snipe all the time with SBH, I just find a spawn rifle, run back to base, do a quick E-5 and I have full ammo for the sniper rifle. Bet u guys didn't know you could do that with a spawn, eh.
With an sbh, I snipe the enemy snipers in the back of the head (that makes for BEAUTIFUL screenshots). Once they're all exterminated, I snipe the enemy's base, and I try to snipe as many MRLS and aircraft as possible. Then when they get out to repair, because they see no one, I sneak up in stealth and peg them in the head and take the new ride back to base and donate to the team.
a good snipin tecnique [message #-968235] |
Wed, 19 June 2002 17:23   |
Best way to snipe is with a beacon. Sneak up behind your victim, set the beacon, staple their feet to the floor so they can't move, then stand back and laugh at them while they get toasted!
a good snipin tecnique [message #-968233] |
Fri, 21 June 2002 06:34   |
lol ArmorAce I was about to say the same thing...I just hide behind a rock and alt fire the sniper rifle, wait 5 seconds and then im cloaked again...then I just walk around in scope mode (zoomed all the way out) until I find my victim