Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967031] |
Sat, 27 July 2002 04:22  |
Okay, we did this yesterday, and it took teamwork .And I would like to improve on it. First, we got 8 flame tanks, them 1 guy with a nuke in each tank, ALL STEALTHS, then I went in GDI's base as a steath, to distract. Now this is the part I want to improve. If in a 50 player or 48 player server, (many up now), have 5 stealths a a distraction, and have the 16 people in the FTANKS, and have the rest of the team, defend the base. Have at least one engi, one anti infantry, and one anti- tank. Now just before GDI starts firing on the flames, ALL 5 STEALTHS START ATTACKING, AND GO FOR THE MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY. IF THEY HAVE A MED, DESTROY IT, IF THERE IS NO TANKS, GO AFTER MOBUIS, SYDNEY, GUNNER, ROCKET DUDES AND SO ON. Not only will you be killing the enemy. You will be forcing them to fire upon you, which lets the flames live longer, do more damage, get more points, and give the nukers time to get out of the tank undetected and go nuke. Give me feedback, and ideas. Remember, even though this is expensive, if done right, will win the game most definatly. If the most of the team will be broke by doing this rush, only try if WF is down. Thank you
And amazingly, this is one flame rush that may take some brains and skill, and teamwork ![[Eek!]](eek.gif) [ July 27, 2002, 11:24: Message edited by: Kirovy1234 ]
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967028] |
Sat, 27 July 2002 17:07   |
and if they get in ur flametanks, and kill ur nukers, then they flame rush ur base, w/ only 20 ppl defending... great!
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967027] |
Sat, 27 July 2002 17:12   |
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967026] |
Sat, 27 July 2002 12:52   |
C4miner got this organized in 5 mins. He was very forceful, but it workedAnd from what i see. there is more teamwork happening now
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967023] |
Sat, 27 July 2002 15:07   |
I see how it works and it will definily catch GDI when they are trying to defend the tunnel. The Nod have to be well coordinated while GDI is sloppy. The money comes in quite quickly on island and complex so money is not an issue. You can get 3 to 4 loads from harvy in 5 min that will be about 900 + the money comes in automatically. Getting 8 flame tanks and requires about1 to 2 min of building flame tank. That means they will have time for the nukes. A total of 21 player out of 24 or 25 player is used. I guess the stealth is coming from the tunnel or is already in GDI base. The GDI probably will have MRLS or gunners camping in the base hitting the Hand or have to have a tech repairing it. Leaves 2 or 3 men left. Assume one get Mendoza and the other as Sakura while the flame resh and they have to guard the tunnel. If GDI as not a team of n00bs. They will have med tanks out in the way and MRLS. They will take the tunnel with Gunner and patch and rush to the Hand and air strip which can be blown up in no time at all. The conclusion is that it depends on the number of n00bs in each team to have it work or not.
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967021] |
Sun, 28 July 2002 07:10   |
Not to mention, with this tactic, you're left with noone defending your base. As little as 2 hotwires with beacons can sneak through the tunnel and win the game.
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967020] |
Sun, 28 July 2002 08:38   |
u dont read do ya, he said there is still 20 ppl defending the base, sounds like a good enough number to me, the only thing that i really dont like bout that is that it will happen once a blue moon, but if it did get organized then ya it would work wonders, i myself would go along if sum1 suggested it, TEAMWORK WINS
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967018] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 02:04   |
I love teamwork, and you ALWAYS win if you're using it correctly, but most morons never want to help. I've been in games, where I KNOW what will happen, and how to defend against it, then kill the opposite team, and no one listens. We lost three games in a row, because the morons wouldn't listen to me, and the plans I KNEW would work. Idiots... I yelled at them all and left after the third game. I then rejoined, and was put on the better team. I then won repeatedly, because everyone was actually LISTENING to eachother!!!
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967017] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 03:27   |
Blue Eagle: This strategy is not outlandishly impossible. I was playing on the GDI side last night when the NOD pull this one on us, and it worked.
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967016] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 04:27   |
The biggest problem with this strategy is: Most people are too busy fighting to read the messages and reply. So you end up with 8 Sakuras, 2 Flame Tanks, 20 Engies, and 4 SBH's w/nukes. Everybody wants to be the character they are good with. I say rush the tunnels & entrance with 48 LCG BH's & 2 Sakuras. Whoa, talk about laser light show. LOL
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967012] |
Wed, 07 August 2002 05:22   |
Blue Eagle Recruit Member # 15637
Member Rated: posted July 31, 2002 08:20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This strategy is so outlandishly impossible to coordinate,that I will simply disreguard it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YOU STUPID @#\%$ I organized the rush and my team successfully executed it and we owned. IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE. [ August 07, 2002, 00:23: Message edited by: C4miner ]
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967010] |
Tue, 06 August 2002 21:48   |
C4miner Recruit Member # 15445
Member Rated: posted August 07, 2002 00:22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Eagle Recruit Member # 15637
Member Rated: posted July 31, 2002 08:20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This strategy is so outlandishly impossible to coordinate,that I will simply disreguard it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YOU STUPID @#\%$ I organized the rush and my team successfully executed it and we owned. IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE.
[ August 07, 2002, 00:23: Message edited by: C4miner ]
Nod Strat On Islands [message #-967007] |
Wed, 14 August 2002 13:58   |
I read something about 20 people defending .....
Uh lets see on 48 person sever ....
(starts on fingers)
That would 24 per side .....
5 SBH .....
(using toes now)
.... 16 in FT s
(uhh ..... oh I got it)
that's 21 .....
3 left to defend ....
uhhh ....
You must have gone to a different school than I did vlad that taught new age math or something.
No offense to you Kirovy hard to organize. Props to you guys that pulled this off. [ August 14, 2002, 20:59: Message edited by: hareman ]