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- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966525] Thu, 08 August 2002 16:01 Go to next message
Sorry this was on another persons topic... but I soon realized I had come up with quite a few helpful hints and I thought this be the best way to share them with more people who may find them helpful... Goodluck... For I shall make my return soon...

Helpful things you should do.....

-when being buggy rushed early in the game and you can't buy a tech. or a hotwire... simply stand at the pt with a regular free unit with the c4 on.... continually place and refill your supply of timed c4's laying them all around the MCT.... if you time it right you can get about a 25 to 30 second window of timed c4's exploding near the MCT of a building that is likely to be rushed

-another way to approach your attacks is by breaking off into small cells of 5-6 players... where your small groupings can allow you to withstand attacks from large forces... should there be a hotwire/tech. in your group as well as heavy weapons.... a small cell of units will attract major attention.... and can thus divide concentrations of enemy units on the feild and allow for an even greater effect of another cell of the main attacking force on the enemy base.... small cells of units can also allow for a greater strategic positioning... such as a small group of units on the hill on the map under as well as a group of units in the Tib. feild... this can allow for your team to surround and enclose all enemy units coming from a central location... causing them to divide their attention among 2-3 small groups of units rather than one large group...

-when you find yourself about to die under the treads of a tank... do not just throw your c4 (timed) on the side of the enemy tank... for if they are an engi. or a tech/hotwire... they can get out and difuse it.... the best way to place the c4 is by throwing it on top of the enemy tank

-on hourglass staying at the top and using arties is not a good idea... yes you can be killed even If you are up there with engis. snipers and well placed timed c4's can take you out... camping on hour glass is very difficult and is best done when all units stay in front of the AGT or the Ob. and simply kill all rushing units

-Don't underestimate the power of a flame thrower as it may not have good range but 3 flame throwers can quickly destroy an enemy building if all three are firing at the MCT with support from 1-2 riflemen and or shotgunners

-Don't underestiame the power of a shotgunner... if you face one of these units back up and don't confront them too close the shotgun is one of the most deadly weapons available... it is simply underated due to its extremely short range.... however I have personally done much damage to both units and vechicles with a seemingly worthless shotgunner.. the shotgun works best on buggies/humvee's, all types of units, and arties/MRL's...

-Don't buy buggies on large maps where units have the abilty to meet you at a central position... such is the case on the map Under... where buggies and humvee's alike can be taken out with a single riflemen, shotgunner, or flametrooper

-When attacking an enemybase wait for the right opportunity to present itself before rushing.... do not rush in while the enemy base is bunkered with all 20 opposing players in the base... also avoid creeping ahead... as this will result in a bottle neck where any and all shots fired by enemy units will find a target.... keep back and spread your force out sparingly... such that units are not too far apart to result in an inabilty of concentration fire but yet are far enough apart such that opposing units have to aim

-About to die? throw the timed c4 even if there is no close target.. you might get lucky and catch someone in the blast radius when it goes off

-Can't see the stealth units?... get skins which allow you to see the glow from the stealth unit when it get's hit from frendly fire or enemy fire... a neon blue hue works best as this will allow you to see it in both lit and unlit spaces on maps

-"The Great Blue Beam Rush" actually I think this is a good idea if youre an engi and you have no place to go but into an on coming tank.... simply put you repair gun on, and start firing it, so that the enemy units will allow you within range to repair them.... I don't mean to say that you should repair them... but should they be an arrogant player who thinks of you no more than a stupid newb... they will in all likelyhood let you close enough to repair.... thats when you switch to any and all offensive weapons you have be they timed or remote c4's.... remembering to place the c4's on top of the tanks not on the sides....or even if you have a pistol you can use it and atleast get a few points even if it is 5 or 6 pts. its still worth it...

-Don't use helicopters when the game is about to end and the enemy has no barracks/HON or has no Warfac./Airstrip... as this will result in rushing of the enemy base by helicopters whose drives now feel free to rush the base not fearing enemy units.... This is one of the dumbest things to do... the armor of all types of flying vehicles is very low and can be easily taken down by even on riflemen.... I have had many games lost due to newbs using helicopters and not strafting and moving around while shooting as well as thinking that they are invincible now that the enemy is weakened

-Don't hold your fire if youre in a tank... firing at random can help you to decloak a stealth unit by shooting at walls and the ground in front of you ,should you be able to get them in the blast radius of the explosion you will be able to see the light refaction their stealth suit makes.. I have been able to get many kills just by shooting at seemingly empty spaces on maps

-Lock your camera to the gun of vehicles... this will allow you to not only shoot in 360 degree circle around you but also can allow you to shoot at one thing and run over enemy units at the same time.... should you be a good driver... this has been very helpful to me not just the turret but the abiltiy to drive a tank well... giving me in all likelyhood the best kill/death ratio in one game in all the world at 114:1

-despite what people think having a few players who go off on their own is a good thing as this will net your team supprising results... not only can one unit get lots done but it will also take the attention away from the main fighting force.... as a result of my style of playing many renegade players have come to resent my style of playing... and yes I do admit I go overboard on yelling at people who may or may not be aware of what they are doing... and for that I am sorry.... but I highly doubt anyone can criticize my ability to give the team chances... do not put down or flame people who like to go off on their own.... many good things can come from people acting on their own... and need I remind all you snipers out there that you usually act on your own accordance and do not follow nor tell or get told by others what to do... and if so it is on a very rare occasion...

Good Luck employing these tips [Wink]

[ August 08, 2002, 23:18: Message edited by: C4kitty ]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966524] Thu, 08 August 2002 16:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966523] Thu, 08 August 2002 16:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Eek!] [Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966522] Thu, 08 August 2002 16:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes a repeat I know..... but I did post a few new things Mr.R [Big Grin] ... And yes BullDawg it is long... but heck France is boring....and there is so much knowledge to share... [Razz]

[ August 08, 2002, 23:33: Message edited by: C4kitty ]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966521] Thu, 08 August 2002 16:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966520] Fri, 09 August 2002 05:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Not a stupid flame post, I agree with most of those tactics and already use them.
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966519] Fri, 09 August 2002 05:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966518] Fri, 09 August 2002 05:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Wtf is the point of " [Roll Eyes] " for a post? Does it mean bull****? Does it mean yeah right? Or is it just another way for you people to spam and get more posts? I wonder how many posts with " [Roll Eyes] " I will see before I find an actual sensible response.
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966517] Thu, 08 August 2002 18:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966516] Thu, 08 August 2002 18:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966515] Fri, 09 August 2002 00:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
-"The Great Blue Beam Rush" actually I think this is a good idea if youre an engi and you have no place to go but into an on coming tank.... simply put you repair gun on, and start firing it, so that the enemy units will allow you within range to repair them.... I don't mean to say that you should repair them... but should they be an arrogant player who thinks of you no more than a stupid newb... they will in all likelyhood let you close enough to repair.... thats when you switch to any and all offensive weapons you have be they timed or remote c4's.... remembering to place the c4's on top of the tanks not on the sides....or even if you have a pistol you can use it and atleast get a few points even if it is 5 or 6 pts. its still worth it...
"B1u3 B34m Ru$h 0wnz y00 f001"
-Can't see the stealth units?... get skins which allow you to see the glow from the stealth unit when it get's hit from frendly fire or enemy fire... a neon blue hue works best as this will allow you to see it in both lit and unlit spaces on maps
I see this as a cheat. I got enough skills to see them without the skins [Razz]
-Don't use helicopters when the game is about to end and the enemy has no barracks/HON or has no Warfac./Airstrip... as this will result in rushing of the enemy base by helicopters whose drives now feel free to rush the base not fearing enemy units.... This is one of the dumbest things to do... the armor of all types of flying vehicles is very low and can be easily taken down by even on riflemen.... I have had many games lost due to newbs using helicopters and not strafting and moving around while shooting as well as thinking that they are invincible now that the enemy is weakened
No helicopters when barracks/HON is destroyed? You always needs to balance your team but the helicopters 0wn when there are no snipers =)

TIP from me use gamevoice and IRC [Razz] [Razz]

[ August 09, 2002, 07:25: Message edited by: Demolition man ]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966514] Fri, 09 August 2002 00:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966513] Fri, 09 August 2002 00:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
She could not be more right about the shotgun.
Once on islands,I saw a Mobius trying to beacon the Ped. I got off a body shot which made him stop dropping the beacon,and turn his volt rifle
on me.
We tangled for a couple seconds,and he backed down the HON inner ramp,and I jumped and pulled off a GORGEOUS headshot!
I cost that poor SOB 2000 creds with a free unit,
and the GDI refinery was down! [Big Grin]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966512] Fri, 09 August 2002 00:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Good tips. Very positive post. Thank you.
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966511] Fri, 09 August 2002 00:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
She couldn't be more wrong concerning air units.

I suggest that anyone who isn't a good pilot should go buy a tank and stay being the groundpounders they were born to be.

If you're a groundpounder, you're one of those people who can't fly worth jack and thinks that the Transport Helicopter will survive anything -- including five snipers waiting outside your base.

Leave the air units up to people like me. I take out any unit from high class snipers to low class snipers... Down to Stealth Tanks and Buggies, Humm-vees and Mammoths... It's easy. Snipers are no problem for me considering I know how to fly out of their field of vision.
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966510] Fri, 09 August 2002 01:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I agree with most of your suggestions - but this one:

"-Can't see the stealth units?... get skins which allow you to see the glow from the stealth unit when it get's hit from frendly fire or enemy fire... a neon blue hue works best as this will allow you to see it in both lit and unlit spaces on maps"

I would consider this a cheat and a bannable offense. If you muck with the way stealths appear - why even have them?

other than that - good points.

[Big Grin]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966509] Fri, 09 August 2002 01:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Good information.... [Big Grin]

Oh please nothing anyone says or contributes to this forum is good enough for you. I see fantasy is alive and well in some of us....
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966508] Fri, 09 August 2002 01:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[Roll Eyes]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966507] Fri, 09 August 2002 01:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Member # 10671

posted August 09, 2002 08:35
Good information....

Oh please nothing anyone says or contributes to this forum is good enough for you. I see fantasy is alive and well in some of us....


Sorry bro, I'm what's called an 'individual', someone who doesn't act like everyone else. Can't take it? Don't like it?

Good for you.
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966506] Fri, 09 August 2002 01:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You called a girl bro. [Razz]
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966505] Fri, 09 August 2002 02:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry bro, I'm what's called an 'individual', someone who doesn't act like everyone else. Can't take it? Don't like it?

Here we go again, it never stops with you. Nothing anyone says or offers on these forums is good enough for you. You say you're an individual yet you constantly berate and belittle at every given opportunity. There's nothing individual or distinctive about your actions or behavior. It's strictly a manipulation game, one I won't be privy to this time....
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966504] Fri, 09 August 2002 02:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lenchmob to ACK:
Here we go again, it never stops with you. Nothing anyone says or offers on these forums is good enough for you. You say you're an individual yet you constantly berate and belittle at every given opportunity. There's nothing individual or distinctive about your actions or behavior. It's strictly a manipulation game, one I won't be privy to this time....

Lenchmob please make sensible arguments. ACK had a personal opinion about how and when to use aircraft which did not agree with C4kitty's tip. Therefore, he typed out a message saying what he believed. Opinion vs. opinion, that's what the Tactics and Strategies forums are for. You either agree with their tactic and use it, or you don't agree and have your own strategy. These forums are not good enough for him? What the hell are you talking about? He's at least making good use out of them, stating his strategy and what he thinks. You are just starting an argument and further helping degrade these forums.
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966503] Fri, 09 August 2002 04:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ya know, the funny thing is?

When I first read Kitty's first post 2 months ago, I thought, just like everyone else, geez, she is not a team player.

But since then.....

I have become more of a solo player in a lotta ways, I rarely repair other people's tank anymore unless there is a vech limit and i am just a hotwire, my reason: I am better in tank then 90\% ppl out there.

Team work is only great when you actually have ppl that works as a team and are not n00bs. I was on city with 4 other s tanks, the whole game we are trying to rush but keep failing, partly due to good GDI D, but partly cuz these guys are just green, keep firing in field, completely decloak themselves and cost us the rush and the game.

You wanna talk about the ultimate lone wolf? theman158 almost never says anything (good or bad) the entire game and he almost always have the top spot by being a sniper ( a good one too) or whatever trick he pulls, and on 1 game, he was 1500 points ahead of the next guy on the list (which was a Nod), we won the game by like 500 points, I don't think it is a overstatement that theman158 is, well, the man! He pretty much single handly won that game for us. But I do know guys like him are very few.

Good points Kitty.
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966502] Fri, 09 August 2002 17:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I am the man
- Hints from the Kitty herself ;) [message #-966501] Fri, 09 August 2002 06:19 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
You're in line behind me, sort of a man runnerup.
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