I don't understand. [message #-964142] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 04:24  |
I was playing a game on Walls_flying and i was Nod. We only had our refinary left and some kid on our team says "let them destroy it, we will lose anyway". Some people listened and others kept repairing. We ended up winning with a pedistal nuke. Why did he say this?
I don't understand. [message #-964141] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 04:56   |
Um because hes a n00b......and why would you make such a topic like this? Kind of a logical answer....hes the defintion of total stupidity! hehe frag on brotha!
I don't understand. [message #-964140] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 08:35   |
I have seen teams let a building die when the other team is making huge points of it. This can happen alot in a game when people base to base fire.
Hope this is a better answer then "why did you even post this"
I don't understand. [message #-964139] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 09:13   |
quote: Originally posted by Bent2Bits:
Hope this is a better answer then "why did you even post this"
Don't go frontin' son! Hehe j/k
I don't understand. [message #-964138] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 09:36   |
fill an apc with engineers and one or two other people with nuke or ion connon things drive into the enemy base and get out fill up the area around the place with mines from engineers and have the other people set the explosives then kerpow the enemy lost a building is this a good strategy?
I don't understand. [message #-964137] |
Sat, 04 January 2003 09:56   |
quote: Originally posted by killr: fill an apc with engineers and one or two other people with nuke or ion connon things drive into the enemy base and get out fill up the area around the place with mines from engineers and have the other people set the explosives then kerpow the enemy lost a building is this a good strategy?
At the start of the game with 0 or below 900 starting credits... no...
counter, at the very first minute, both sides are already mining the base.... too late, but not quite, it depends where the mines are placed and which building is your target... They can defuse it from afar... remember, the Repair Gun is a projectile, but with a certain range.... And they can defuse the mines....
I don't understand. [message #-964136] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 22:47   |
hmm- a pretty basicstrategy - is ok tho..... a weird strategy is to get a apc, pack explosives on the front, charge into an enemy building get out and set the charge. this is not really as good on buildings, but im wonering maybe 15-20 explosives may bring the building down....... but prox mines on tanks can give a bit of bite when combating a mammy with ur flamer- they dont affect you.
I don't understand. [message #-964135] |
Wed, 08 January 2003 06:50   |
no, pack 15 remotes on the front of a sedan, drive into an enemy building, right by the MCT and then detonate, this DOES bring the building down.