GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963563] |
Sat, 22 February 2003 01:08  |
First, a popular misconception that some people have is that Stealth units are completely invisible. Not true, at short distances the are visible by there white shimmer. That is there major weakness that I use. On maps with little cover for them, ie. complex, I use a hummer and drive around hugging the walls mostly since lots of SBH ppl seem to prefer entering the GDI bases this way. I also shoot around wildly not to actually find them that way, sometimes I get lucky though, but to actually force them close to a building or wall. I guess you could say I herd them to were I focus on looking for them at. When driving around I usually hug these points and hope to catch them off guard and run them over but if you miss and they are real close you will notice there shimmer as you pass. Then just back up and kill them. I have stopped many SBH's this way and even got kick for it. Now for bases like walls or canyon and others that have lots of nooks and cranies for them to hide I usually mine one entrance then get a patch sit around a corner of the other and wait. a Patch is the best unit for SBH hunting because his shell on impact keep a SBH visible the longest and does a lot of damage. Some other thigs I forgot to mention that are important in watching for SBH's are doors that open when no one is around, footprint sounds when no one is near you, and if you have max graphic settings and good FPS they even kick up dust when they walk in parts of the map like the GDI barracks. I guarentee that if you follow these tips I have given 2 things will happen: very few if any SBH's will ever get into your base and also you will be accused of using a "Stealth unit see're" mod at some point. I just laugh now and except the compliment knowing no cheating is involved. [ February 22, 2003, 09:41: Message edited by: Slam ]
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963562] |
Sat, 22 February 2003 03:37   |
The doors part is certainly true, I use it all the time. With standard radar settings, you can easily see if a teammate is at a spawning point causing the doors to open, so if there isn't a teammate on radar near the open door, I go investigate.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963561] |
Sat, 22 February 2003 17:51   |
You should also mention that Mobius (and Patch I think, but I'm not sure) actually have better ability to see stealth units than the other characters.
On Complex I always get a Mobius and I can see the stealth tanks rolling in and deal with them.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963560] |
Sat, 22 February 2003 17:59   |
quote: Originally posted by Blazer: You should also mention that Mobius (and Patch I think, but I'm not sure) actually have better ability to see stealth units than the other characters.
On Complex I always get a Mobius and I can see the stealth tanks rolling in and deal with them.
Thanks Blazer for the additional info on this. I never new mobius's were better then the other units at spotting stealth units. So there is another tip to add all. Happy hunting
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963559] |
Sat, 22 February 2003 08:12   |
On field SBHs like to harvy hide to the AGT, and hide one the side of AGT facing the tib ref or AGT WF cave. and some times, a nod person will distrack the fire of the AGT to allow a SBH to get to AGT from AGT WF cave.
Most to all ppl know that SBH like using the Tib Barr back cave to beacon tib or barr, but for those who don't, ya know know.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963558] |
Sat, 22 February 2003 11:54   |
quote: Originally posted by Slam: I have stopped many SBH's this way and even got kick for it.
You got kicked for that!? The host must have been a n00b.
But I don't think there is a single person playing renegade that doesn't know that you can see thier white shimmer.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963557] |
Sat, 22 February 2003 12:58   |
Tell that to ACK. He is the one who kicked me claiming I was cheating because he thought that its impossible to see a SBH from inside a GDI vehicle. I'm sure by now though he realize's he was wrong so I am not upset anymore and don't want to see him flamed for it. Everyone is human and can make mistakes from time to time.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963556] |
Mon, 24 February 2003 08:43   |
quote: Originally posted by Blazer: You should also mention that Mobius (and Patch I think, but I'm not sure) actually have better ability to see stealth units than the other characters.
On Complex I always get a Mobius and I can see the stealth tanks rolling in and deal with them.
I thought all the 1000 cred characters could see SBHs easier. I ran around with a PIC Sydney picking them off left and right, seemed like I could see them at greater distance.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963555] |
Mon, 24 February 2003 09:53   |
I remember once game where the WarFactory and Airstrip blew up, then the GDI refinary blew up and I gained control over the last vehicle in the map (Nod APC), and I drove around the Barracks.
I squished so many Stealth Black Hands that it wasn't funny. They just kept coming trying to beacon the Barracks, which never happened. Took them the either game to learn they should try to destroy the APC first.
That was one of my personal favorite games, we won too =]
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963553] |
Tue, 25 February 2003 07:39   |
Don't under estimate the ability of shotgunner on taking out SBH. Most SBH will try to remain stealth when they see one. As you wonder around you can see their shimmer. You can run pass them and think that you did not see them. Turn around and chase them with shotgun and you can mow down SBH in 2 shots. I have got a lot of SBH this way. The way you talk about squishing SBH sometimes won't work. I have seen many people do that and once in complex I was couching between the wall and barrack the APC missed me five time and all the bullets it fired all missed me. Althought I did not get a chance for planting the nuke in time to blow up the barr (arrived 1 sec too late and they thought they got rid of all SBH in the game) but it shows that it is not perfect for taking out SBH.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963552] |
Wed, 26 February 2003 08:14   |
When playing Nod on complex I run through the base cause most times yes gdi will be misconceived thinking all sbh hugs the outside walls, well for myself I take the path of least resistance and 8 out of 10 times I get my nuke placed whether it gets the target i chose is another story. Depends if there is a hotwire or engineer in a vehicle who abandons it to disarm nuke if so nuke has a very good chance of getting target.
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #-963551] |
Thu, 27 February 2003 05:15   |
Tonight I was walking around as Hotwire, and repairing buildings, and I kept seeing SBH's so I would tag them with my pistol to light them up for every one to see, then they could kill them, I also noticed that if you hit them with the repair gun they sayed lit for longer, tho you do heal them a bit so...
GDI Tactics for dealing with SBH's [message #17546] |
Mon, 28 April 2003 12:37   |
Messages: 150 Registered: April 2003 Location: Norfolk Va
Karma: 0
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StoneRook |
Archcasp | A trick i use is that I changed the skin for the SBH.. it isnt clear anymore but its white... they still can hide. but it appears easier for you. Not a mod, but a skin, which is allowed..
Actually - in my humble opinion - changing the steath skin to "white" as you say - is a "cheat" - not just a trick.
which isn't allowed on most servers.
My reasoning - the effect of the steath is exactly like it's suppose to be "out of box" - if you get close - you see a shimmer. It's there - but not that noticable.
then - as you start hitting them with weapons - they glimmer more.
Changing the skin to bright white - or pink - or orange - is taking away the ability of the steath at close range. Their suppose to be hard to see - unless uncloaked. For a reason...
Changing that is cheating - plain and simple.
If your going to do that - what's to stop someone from making all the sniper skins "bright hunter orange"? - easier to see them so you can pick them off sooner?
- yes - you can change the skin - but is it in good gaming ethics to do so?
"Hey - i can change all the skins to have orange on the head - so when my mouse cursor sees orange - "click""
see where i'm going with this?
The other players don't know you changed the skin - so they are under the idea your seeing the same thing they see.
I think Westwood dropped the ball to allow you change the steath skins.
Just because you can do something doesn't make it right.
This sort of thinking can kill a game.
I bring this up because i was in a game over the weekend - and we were on field - I was on Nod - and we had the center - the tunnels were under control - and the game was set pretty much in our favor.
Well - some of the GDI players thought - "hey - we can shoot through the mountains and hit the Refinery...."
so they used an exploit to gain enough points to win the game.
One reply by a GDI exploiter - "Hey - this is war - and you have to do anything to win..."
Guess he never heard of Honor.....
food for thought....
Acutally I do warn people That i chnaged the skin, secondary anyone who ask.. i tell them how and where to get it (cncammo is the best place I know of so far) I usally dont use SBH trick cause I usally only play Sniper only servers. but as far as my snipers (the deadeye is in ubran cammy's, the black hand is soild black, the normal havoc is soild black and sak is topless) I changed the SBH skin an Stank skin to be white, mainly for when its on my own team. (easier for rushes and what not). In changeing the skin, its still as hard to see them if I didnt change it, tested mainly times. I do see where you can get it as cheating.. and it was not meant for that reason.
Yes in the person saying this is war, its n00bs like that who ruin the game with base to base and tunnel nukeing..(in the major part of a 52 player game, im usally a hottie or a tech..) so.... seeing a sbh or stank would be hard unless I was right on top of it..
But i will think about taking the skins back to normal. But some of my other mods/skins I have.
All Vechs (Nod and GDI) are geryish black. Except the Orca which has haunters teeth.
All dead six are wearing desert cammys.. reg soliders are in ubran (both sides) the mini gunner on Nod is ubran.
When I enter the Orca (it says this is Orca 6, ready to attack.... from the TDawn) When I kill someone it goes ahh (like when someone died on Tdawn) I have a count down for c4 and nukes/ions. It tells me which power plant is blown up (because of a westwood mistake). When any sniper rifle that fires (hahah that was left handed.. the commando in Tdawn)
that is all that I can think of at the time of my head.. I made the game fir to how I like it. not to please others. But thank you for your point of view.
Josh Martin aka Casper or Arch.
Staff Sgt. Martin
Best defense [message #17660] |
Tue, 29 April 2003 07:29   |
Messages: 129 Registered: April 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
probably the best way to find an sbh if you think you are being followed, and not worried about making any noise, is getting out ur pistol and spraying bullets in every direction. This has saved me many a time on maps with tunnels as I find that lots of newbs get sbh's and hang out in the tunnels, thinking that no one can see them, and if they get hit by the pistol rounds, they think it was an accident and usually wont open fire, theyl just try to follow you.
So, when in doubt and you think some one invisible is following you, fire a hail of pistol rounds every which way, and, another bonus: smart players who don't want their stealth compromised generally stay away from you if you do this, and if they have a nuke they will never open fire unless they know 100% sure they will be killed if they dont
anyways, there's my 2 cents
"State Tower, Warrior 8-4-0-5-4, you have a herd of cattle on two-seven left, please advise..."